[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230709/aa0ca2da4ac3f87278a61826579866ec.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.7446ff481f96ce7ac668ee2e569e9940?rik=b7H3DCBEGA%2f4jw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img][/center] Life was strange for Violet Parker. Over the past month, a lot of revelations had come out. Her entire world had tipped upside down. The young witch had discovered that her parents weren’t her parents, and now she needed to discover the whole truth. Her birth mother had reached out to her and offered to give her all of the answers, attached to the letter was an invitation to the handover ceremony. Packing her bags with a variety of clothes and tidbits, Violet made her way to the airport. She didn’t even have to book a hotel, her birth mother had offered to house her for as long as she needed to get to the truth. It was a long trip from Florida to Seattle. The entire trip Violet couldn’t help but think about her birth mother. The small conversations they had on the phone were light on details regarding Tanner, and her parents confirmed the story was true, but also were pretty light on the details. What led her to be given up for adoption, and why couldn’t Violet remember any of it? Was it Violet’s fault she was put up for adoption? So many questions rattled around in the young woman’s head. Arriving in Seattle, a pre-booked Uber was waiting for her to take her out of the city and into the foothills of Tanner. Violet spent all of her time looking at all of the trees and all of the surroundings. Compared to hot and swampy Florida, Washington state was a different world. While in the back of the vehicle, Violet looked over the original letter she had received, looking at the name over and over again. She then began to wonder how Tanner differed from her coven back at home. She knew that Tanner was important, but hadn’t really bothered to dig into how important it was. Her coven back home was fairly chill. They gave you some basic and simple lessons but left you to explore magic in the safer of the grounds. She imagined given the importance of Tanner Coven, the rules might be a little stricter. She watched as the car pulled into Tanner. She looked in awe of the small town vibe the place had, nestled all around by ranches and tall pine trees. As the car pulled away off the main street, she got her first glimpse of the Coven household. It was such an ornate building. It looked like something out of an old movie or a TV show. She also noted how busy it was, and how the poor girl had heavily underestimated how formal the event was. She was sorely underdressed for the occasion. No matter. She thanked the driver and got out of the car, heading to the trunk to pull out her suitcases as people mulled into the building. She showed her invitation at the door, which caused the person greeting everyone to simply give her a confused expression. Once inside proper, Violet placed her suitcases in a quiet corner, before pulling out the letter and looking at the name. She began to quietly walk around the party, being careful not to touch anyone or bump into them, looking for someone she thought looked trustworthy to ask about where her birth mother was. She eventually found what looked like someone who lived here as opposed to being a guest. [color=violet]”Excuse me… I am looking for Amanda Aston.”[/color]