[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221105/2098af8a4ae266cb288dc1adc5083f89.png[/img] [h2][b][color=00aeef][i]Kada Vaa[/i][/color][/b][/h2][/center][hr] It was too damn cold on this planet. That was the main thought bouncing around the poor Togruta's mind as she followed along the masters and other apprentices on their trip to Illum. Most of her fellow apprentices would be building their lightsabers today, though Kada had a bit of a lead on the others in that department. The Togruta felt a moment of pride from that fact, then immediately felt that pride canceled out as she reminded herself that, once again, she was back to this horrid planet. The poor girl was bundled up quite well, including a thick wrapping around her montral, to try to keep warm. Having lived on planets like Shili most of her life... the horrid temperatures of Illum were not kind to Kada. Most certainly not to the hollow bone structures atop her head. [i][b]Jedi do not feel the cold.[/b][/i] She'd once been told by Master Skywalker himself on her first trip to this world, and a sentence that was brought back to the forefront of her mind once more. One that earned a harsh thought in return from the apprentice. [i][b][color=00aeef]You try having your most sensitive organ be hollow bone structures atop your kriffin' head, Master![/color][/b][/i] Kada thought harshly, following everybody else inside the temple. On her back, Sparky hung on for dear life and beep-booped out various updates on the weather and structure stability on Illum. As much as Kada [i]wanted[/i] to slap the mute button every time he reminded her how cold it was outside... she didn't have the heart to shut him up. The Togruta spent the time after they'd arrived at the temple to fuss over her companion, melting off some of the ice buildup in his little joints. Berating herself mentally for not applying enough protective coating to the droid before making the journey to Illum. Kada shook her head before finally deciding that Sparky was in good enough condition that she'd not need to worry about him for the rest of the trip. Turning back towards the group, and withdrawing from her unintentional tunnel vision, Kada racked her mind to find some advice she could offer her fellows from her own experiences with finding her crystal. [color=00aeef]"Okay, time to go see our friends off, Sparky!"[/color] She said softly to the droid, then the togruta approached the gathered masters and... Where were her fellows? It took Kada a couple of seconds before her face colored deeply as she realized. [color=00aeef]"Oh. They've already gone off to gather the crystals, didn't they?"[/color] Kada asked nobody in particular, though her embarrassment no doubt lit her up like a beacon within the force. She then immediately turned towards the droid poking its head over her shoulder and jabbed a finger towards it. [color=00aeef]"If you tell Toryn about this I [i]will[/i] convert you into a Gonk Droid, Mister!"[/color] She threatened, only to get a series of remarkably sassy beeps and boops in return from Sparky. Kada allowed herself a little smile and shake of her head as she shrugged off the droid's response, before turning her attention towards the assembled Jedi Masters. Oh! Right! She'd offered to set up the worktables for once the apprentices returned with their crystals! [color=00aeef]"Ah! Masters, I'll get started setting up the worktables now!"[/color] She said softly, bowing her head lightly towards the group as she moved back towards the entrance of the temple, where the repulsorsled that had been slaved to Kada's wrist-comm to follow the group. [color=00aeef]"Okay Sparks, I want you to hop on and start up the heater so these things aren't so cold while we get setup."[/color] She instructed the BD-Unit, as it hopped off to start following her orders. Kada then guided the device back into the temple, where she went about setting up each of the little worktables, and the heaters next to them to allow a bit of comfort, for lightsaber construction. She only hoped she finished before every arrived, the last thing she needed was everybody just kind of staring at her while she finished up her work!