[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZCrkic.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/DtnixpY.png?2[/img] [b]Location:[/b] Pizza Tower [b]Level:[/b] 3 [b]Experience:[/b] 72/30 ([i]Level up available[/i]) [b]Word Count:[/b] <750 ([i]+1 EXP[/i])[/center] The fighting eventually died down as everyone brought down enemy after enemy. Even Pizza Face was taken down thanks to everyone's efforts. However, it seemed that it was merely Phase 1 of the battle, as Pizza Face's... [i]face[/i] opened up to reveal a pizza man inside. Rubick barely had time to be surprised before everything around them changed, and Pizza Head pulled out new enemies from the ground. Everyone took up battle positions once again, with Rubick taking on the Eyebrute. It wasn't Rubick's first time taking on a monstrosity of a creature, but he could never get over his repulsion for them. Still, at least it made the feeling of blasting away at them with his spells all the better. Speaking of which, Rubick began by blasting the Eyebrute with his Fade Bolt, causing the creature to stare at him with a malicious glare. It then launched its eyes at Rubick, one after the other. Rubick merely dodged one of its eyes and caught the other with his Telekinesis, then launched it back at the Eyebrute, knocking it back. It then got enraged and charged at Rubick on all fours. Rubick used his Blink Dagger to teleport behind the Eyebrute, who proceeded to continue charging for a few more seconds before stopping as if it were confused it had not crashed into Rubick yet. It then retched up a new pair of eyes and turned around to spot Rubick once again, and it fired its second pair of eyes at Rubick. Rubick performed the same motions as last time, launching an eye back at Eyebrute, and dodging out of the way of the Eyebrute's charge with his Weaver's Warp. At first, Rubick found it mildly entertaining, pretending like he was matadoring a bull. By the fourth repetition, however, he found it to be tedious. The Eyebrute wasn't much more than a mindless brute with a very simple attack pattern. He fired off a few other spells and abilities, but if the Eyebrute felt any of them, it didn't show any reactions Rubick could discern. Eventually, Rubick decided he had enough. When the Eyebrute ceased its charge, Rubick Blinked on top of the Eyebrute and proceeded to swing his staff into its lower jaw, unleashing Ganondorf's Dark Explosion and sending the monster toppling to the ground. Rubick sighed, feeling remarkably unsatisfied. Even the two brothers back at the arena were more challenging than this.