[color=95A5A6][b]> Approach her and give her one of your healing potions. <[/b][/color] [hr] As if her call for help wasn't enough, the sounds of danger rapidly approaching put some urgency in your movements as you tried to rush toward her side. Quickly drawing one of the vials from your bandolier, you knelt down and held the small potion out to her, which she took and promptly shot down. The magic of the healing potion took its effects nearly instantly, the woman's chest heaved a strong and purging breath, a gasp for air finally satisfied as she rolled forward enough to dislodge her left arm and push herself up. She reached for her sword, lifting it into her left hand before springing into a full stand, and looked to you with a smirk. [color=7ea7d8]"Thanks"[/color] she nodded, lifting her blade forward towards the noise. [color=7ea7d8]"I thought I was gunna rot away down here."[/color] With a bit of a wince, you pushed with your legs to rise and meet her posture as the light from your torch illuminated the first of your foes. Peering back at you from the edge of darkness were eight beady eyes, glossy and reflective of your torch's flickering dance as a grotesques arachnoid visage came into view. From the size head of this spider alone, hovering at eye-level with you, the stature of it hidden beyond the edge of light seemed daunting. Your new ally looked fearless, a renewed zeal to survive in her eye as she rose her blade and shouted to taunt the beast. [color=7ea7d8]"Come back for more, huh? Well- you couldn't take me when I was down, now you've definitely got no chance!"[/color] Her free hand rose before her as well, and she murmured to herself in a language you didn't recognize. As her palm turned to face upward, a gleaming white light formed between her fingers, flooding the chamber with much more light than your torch could provide. The clear colorless glow of her spell flushed away the orange tinge of flame, revealing her cape to be a deeper midnight blue rather than the black it previously appeared to be. As she finished her incantation, the orb floated further upward, posturing itself several feet into the air and revealing the swarm of spiders in all directions. Needless to say, the torch was no longer needed, a thankful notion as your hands would serve better reaching for your weapon. Beyond the mess of creepy crawlies, the rest of the room appeared to be a large auditorium of some kind. The closer wall to your right ended in a stairwell that sat in the corner with the far right wall opposite where you had entered from, not unlike the stairs you descended. To the left, the room extended much further, culminating in a stage or platform of some kind against the far left wall, raised enough to warrant steps to reach. Beyond it, a mural that spanned the entire far wall all the way up to the ceiling, where you could see the slit where the hallway you traversed through sat, directly above where you found the woman. At the base of the mural, as well as along the other walls, several doors and archways led out of sight into what you presumed to be more rooms and halls, all except for the far right wall which contained a cave-in the mouth of which was coated in webbing. Near this web, you saw the body of a fourth, larger spider, laying limp by the mouth with what seemed to be a sizable hole burned into its abdomen. If the light was bright enough to make your dark-adjusted eyes squint, you could only imagine how annoying it must have been for the spiders that live here. Squealing and hissing was their response, and as the larger ones- of which you could now count at three- bared their fangs and rose their front limbs, the smaller ones began their march towards you two. Their onslaught was met with the swinging and stabbing of blades, as they drew too close too quickly to fire at them with your bow. You and your ally fended them off as best as you could with her sword and a dagger you carried with you for close-quarters just like this. Unfortunately, the larger spiders would not simply wait for you to kill off all of their children, and the stomping of their movements meant you and her had to act fast. [hr] [color=95A5A6] • Try convincing the woman to leave with you, back the way you came. • Stand your ground and fend off the large spiders. • Stand your ground and focus on clearing out the smaller spiders. • Try a different tactic. [Write in: briefly describe an action to take] [/color]