[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 8: 06/80 Word Count: Location: Home of Tears Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 8: 07/80 [/center] [hr] — Pizza Face turned into Pizza Head, and Jesse felt a familiar unpleasant feeling. Now Jesse considered herself an expert in vague unease as an indicator of evilness, considering that was basically all she had dealt with as an FBC Director. But like the King before, this Pizza Head was somehow wrong. How, exactly, Jesse couldn’t tell. Pizza Head looked no more outlandish or evil than anything else she had seen in the World of Light. [i]If anything, a guy with food for a head is basically mundane. So what’s with him? What classifies them as a different category from everything else? How important could it be to our main objective?[/i] At the moment, such burning questions would have to wait. A whole host of monsters came out of the blue to assist the new freaky weirdo they were trying to kill. Jesse decided to focus down the big bad himself. She had the firepower to do it. Jesse Levitated above all the chaos and tried to pin down Pizza Head. He was a slippery dodger, avoiding attacks, but there was no way he could dodge everyone’s projectiles all at once. Not with some of them traveling at different speeds. Jesse used Grip and began to put down the fire, its damage consistent and strong at all ranges, with a healthy supply of quickly regenerating bullets to boot. Rubick was in a magic duel with some kind of eyeball monster that fired exploding eyeballs. “Weird, but- yoink!” Jesse reached her hand out and snatched one of the projectile out of the air with Launch. Then she Launched it at Pizza Head’s feet, looking to blow him away or even better, up. Rubick would be assisted in his battle by Jesse occasionally snatching one of the eye monster’s eyeballs and flinging it at Pizza Head instead. All the while laying down the firepower with Grip. Weirdly, the guy didn’t seem too keen on fighting back, just avoiding hits and using his monsters to battle. [i]Guess he underestimated us.[/i] Jesse said, ripping one last eyeball out of the air and flinging it at Pizza Head.