Landon's stomach did a backflip when he Kaelyn mentioned Caligo Lake. He had countless memories associated with that place. They nearly overwhelmed him from just hearing the word. But he decided to be cool about it. The past was the past, after all. "I'm proud of you for making such big changes to your life," Landon replied, addressing the most important thing she had said first. "I wouldn't mind stopping by ol' Camp Caligo either," he said, flashing her a perhaps overexaggerated smile. "I wonder what's going on there during the winter." Kaelyn felt like her stomach was in her throat waiting to hear what Landon would say. It relieved her so much to see the smile on his face. She nodded to what he said. They were big changes, but they were the right ones. "Well, probably not very much. No campers or anything. I wonder if anyone just watches over it. It probably won't be as hot as the summer." Kaelyn said, right before her devilish mind sent a playful smirk to her face. "In that case we could just heat the place up," She laughed, "Kidding kidding... Maybe." Kaelyn giggled a bit more. "But yeah, I don't know. I just want to see it. Can't really explain it, ya know?" Landon nodded his head. "No, I get it, I get it," he said. "For... nostalgic reasons, I guess." "Can we watch the sunset? At our spot..." Kaelyn cut in. "I mean... If that's okay with you." Landon stopped and raised his eyebrows at her curiously. His heart sped up for a second, and he wasn't sure what he should say to that. He was afraid to go with her. Well, not so much afraid as uncomfortable. But, logically speaking, there couldn't possibly be any harm done going there... Right? "Well, sure, I guess..." Landon said somewhat reluctantly. "It's certainly been a while since we've watched the sun set there, huh?" The butterflies stirred all around her stomach, but in a good way. Kaelyn flashed a bright smile at him. She was trying hard to contain her excitement, but asking him had been so nervewracking that when he finally said yes it didn't matter anymore. "It's been too damn long!" Kaelyn said, "I promise not to be a total bitch this time." Kaelyn rushed her hands to her mouth. She really had a bad habit of letting words fly before thinking about it. "I mean yeah... Too long," This was a disaster, she really needed to move on to the next topic, "What are you doing for the Winter Ball?" Landon was confused for a second but grinned as he could see she was nervous. He didn't quite pick up what she had unintetionally hinted at—perhaps it was all the adrenaline flowing—but he didn't really mind. "Oh nothing really special," Landon said, looking down as he was about to answer what he had silently hoping she wouldn't ask about. "I had actually planned... since a [i]while[/i] ago," he wanted to put extra emphasis on the fact that it wasn't recent, "to go with Katrina... You know, just for fun." Kaelyn was happy that he didn't push it any further and just went with the topic that she threw out there. Her smile dropped, but only slightly when he informed her he was going with Katrina and that they had planned it before. She couldn't be upset with him or Katrina for that. "Oh that's cool. I should probably talk to her soon. I mean we texted a bit while I was away. But she is helping me plan the ball and organize it and everything. Uh, anyway. I was going to ask you to go with me, but I think I'll just go all Beyonce Single lady on this one." She laughed. "Sorry," Landon said quietly. But he knew Kaelyn would have just as much fun going stag, if not more fun. She was just the type of person who knew how to have a good time, even without a date. "I didn't know you were planning it though," he added quickly to change the subject. "Is that why you want to pursue event planning?" "Mm, partially. That and I've thrown parties before and I don't know. I just have fun organizing things and seeing it all come together is kinda fun. Hard to explain." Landon nodded. "I feel ya," he said. He pulled out the last article of clothing from her suitcase, a pair of folded, faded jeans. He handed them to Kaelyn with a sigh. Something still didn't feel quite right between them... But what was it? Finally, Landon thought he found the answer. "Kaelyn," he said to her. "I'm sorry. About everything." Before she had time to say another word, he reached forward and hugged her close. There was a brief silence between them, and then suddenly with Landon's words, a whole bunch of things started pouring into her mind. But, the sudden hug made it all wash away calmly. His embrace was warm. Kaelyn let herself wrap her arms around him. She put her head into his shoulder. "Thank you... I'm sorry too." He continued to hold her in his arms for a few more seconds until he pulled away slowly. For a moment, their entire relationship flashed through his mind. It all seemed like a big psychological and emotional mess. He didn't want to remember it in that way... She hoped he would remember for little things like this hug, or moments where they were just quiet, side by side watching sunsets as clouds slowly drifted by. Kaelyn didn't want Landon to remember as the girl who had put him through hell and back. "Um..." Kaelyn started, "I want to go to Caligo because..." she almost started to choke up, "Because I don't want you to remember me as some bitch... but for moments... moments like this one right now." Landon was stunned. He could see she was on the verge of tears, real tears. For a moment, he couldn't find the right words to say. "Kaelyn, I... I won't remember you as just some bitch..." he said, feeling himself coming close to tears too. "You're so much more than that to me..." Kaelyn looked up at him, those words meant so much. "Do you mean that?" Landon nodded shakily. He knew if he spoke his voice would crack from emotion. But, he had to get something else out... "Don't ever forget that," he said in a soft voice, raising his hand to her cheek. "Whether as a girlfriend, a friend, a stranger... You'll always mean the world to me..." She broke out into tears and buried her face in his shoulder, not wanting him to see her like this. It took her a moment to gather herself before looking up at him again. Kaelyn wiped the tears as much as she could. "You're the closest friend I've ever had... I... I don't even know how to express... you're more than just a friend... more than a word." "Don't be ashamed of crying," he told her. His voice was firm, but tears were silently dripping from his chin as well. He looked at her and remembered the words of her mother; how she was like broken glass on the inside. Scattered. Confused. Now, it seemed she had gathered all of the shards and has slowly, piece by piece, been building a new life for her self, with a special foundation inside her mother, and in him. He reached up and wiped the stream of tears from his face. "And it's okay. Sometimes... actions speak louder than words."