[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Gj8Q15c.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=009fff]Event:[/colour][/b] Primitive [b]|[/b] [b][colour=009fff]Location:[/colour][/b] Open Desert, An Zenui[hr][hr][/center] Ayla was left high and dry with her current experience, being made to feel isolated and disconnected. She did a few errands like playing as a make shift taxi for Tku, and Zazzy had soon disappeared somewhere. Being Ingrid for the day was not as good as she thought it would be. She was left wondering and pondering why they were even in the desert to begin with and their greater purpose. Part of her wonders if they should try to contact Jocasta in some way, perhaps she might be able to advise them. [center][h3][url=https://youtu.be/jPl_1RpBK_4]♫[/url][/h3][/center] As she waited for the effects to wear off, Ayla's curiosity led her to wonder about the whereabouts of Benny. [colour=009fff]“Where is he?”[/colour] She hadn't seen him since the storm, and taking a moment to reorient herself, she realized the direction they had arrived from. Deciding to embark on an exploration, the 200-foot giant began sprinting back towards where they had started, marvelling at how quickly her surroundings passed by at a speed of 400 mph. Then she made a mistake. Her thoughts took an unfortunate turn when she wondered about the potential use of kinetic magic. [colour=009fff]“What if we went faster…”[/colour] The realization of the answer resulted in an immense sonic boom as her 200-foot form broke through the sound barrier. The consequences were severe. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DSH1Ftk.png[/img][/center] The shockwave erupted with the force of a nuclear explosion, causing the surrounding sand to blast outward. The air crackled as it was alive with the intensity of the destructive force. Sensing the immediate danger, the sonic mage mentally grabbed upon the strings of shockwave, instinctively redirecting them back upon herself. The blast wave pursued her, colliding with her as she propelled herself into it. The sheer aerodynamic forces sent Ayla hurtling through the air, far beyond her intended destination. Leaving a trail of destruction in her wake, she eventually rolled to a stop, lying face down on the distant section of the desert's sandy terrain. She laid face down in the sand, before blowing and spitting it out of her mouth. She slowly picked herself up from the ground as she began the process of walking back at a far more modest 120mph. Furthermore, she surveyed the area as she looked under and around a couple of ruins and ziggurats, but there appeared to be no sign of the boy. Though he would have most definitely heard her if he was around. However, her repeated calls yielded no response, indicating his absence. She returned to the spot outside the city, discovering that Tku had been busy during her absence, leaving a pair of outfits for her. Observing the surroundings, she noticed a sand scorpion skittering in the dunes. Intrigued, she approached for a closer look, only to find herself returning to her normal size as her clothing transformed into a makeshift tent. Ensuring privacy, she found herself standing naked, contemplating between a vibrant-coloured dress with lace and a modest burlap outfit. Opting for the dress, she adorned herself with it, wearing the lion medallion crafted by Tku. [colour=009fff]"Who knew Tku was so skilled in women's clothes. And he even got the size right,"[/colour] she mused, slightly disappointed by the damage her hair had sustained during the battle with the raiders. She had to resign herself to the fact this continued assault upon her hair was going to continue, deciding on not bothering to correct the colour, as she then resembled that of a finely dressed calico cat. [hr][Center][b][colour=009fff]Event:[/colour][/b] Primitive [b]|[/b] [b][colour=009fff]Location:[/colour][/b] The Bantarsca, An Zenui[hr][/center] With her new attire, Ayla embarked on an exploration. She leaped onto a wall, entering a realm of mansions and gardens, where she marvelled at the sight of strange fairytale-like beings and Sirrahi going about their tasks, paying her little attention. As she continued to explore, she overheard a conversation in pigeon Avincian, straining to understand the discussion At that moment, she sensed several of the peculiar creatures and Sirrahi approaching her. Deciding it was best to be proactive, she began approaching the Cazenax who had been engaged in casual conversation, warmly waving towards them. [colour=009fff]"Hello, friends. Do you speak Avincian?"[/colour] Addressed in a way they clearly hadn't expected to be, the pair turned on the spot to confront the interloper. She was just beyond their garden gates. [colour=olive]“Lo.” (no)[/colour] [colour=IndianRed]“Little bit."[/colour] They glanced at each other for a fraction of a second. [colour=olive]“Practice we. Not good is me.”[/colour] The male figure raised a hand and Ayla could feel the other energies that had been closing in her stop their forward motion. A couple retreated. [colour=IndianRed]“Torragon are you, yes?"[/colour] [colour=olive]“Out late are you.”[/colour] [colour=IndianRed]“Yes. Very late. Almost hurt you did our secures."[/colour] The man shook his head. [colour=olive]“Lost might be you?”[/colour] the woman asked, taking a tentative couple of steps toward Ayla. [colour=olive]“Like the other girl?”[/colour] Ayla's ears perked up as they seemed to recognize her from Torragon. [colour=009fff]“Hola soy Ayla ¿Hablas Toragonés?”[/colour] Amidst their confused looks, their response appeared to answer her question as they mentioned another girl. [colour=009fff]"Another girl from Torragon... was her name Marci?"[/colour] Ayla asked them, simultaneously answering their question. [colour=009fff]"We got lost in the sandstorm and then attacked by bandits. And now we find ourselves in this paradise here."[/colour] She gestured towards the gardens and water. Ayla also noticed the presence of Sirrahi and strange winged creatures, questioning their role in the grand scheme of things. She nodded towards the woman and said, [colour=009fff]"We're terribly lost. We took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in this place. Do you know which direction Marci went? We haven't seen anyone else in a long time."[/colour] [colour=IndianRed]"Marci? Know don't we."[/colour] The man shook his head. [colour=IndianRed]"But this garden, you shouldn't -"[/colour] [colour=olive]"It [i]is[/i] lovely, isn't it?"[/colour] squealed his wife. [colour=olive]"Vozas with all in love so much people..."[/colour] She paused, trailing off. [colour=olive]"No, right isn't that."[/colour] She took a breath before continuing and her husband cut her off. [colour=IndianRed]"Private property also is it."[/colour] [colour=olive]"Talo, being stop so mean."[/colour] She shook her head. [colour=olive]"The Vozas use so many people now, but not good is the quality. Try to cook on my own am I and grow in... ingreddiants my own I do."[/colour] She straightened a little bit, perhaps proud of herself, and shot a look her husband's way. [colour=olive]"Your friend, as for, see her we did, but run she did."[/colour] She shook her head sadly. [colour=IndianRed]"Only a minute ago,"[/colour] Talo followed up. [colour=IndianRed]"Maybe find her help us can you?"[/colour] Ayla continued to experience an irritation whenever Marci's name was mentioned, as if there was a flick or pinch by her ear. She initially thought it was caused by a fly, but there was no buzzing sound. Even when she stroked her ear, she could still feel the sensation. Her mind began to connect the dots and she wondered if Marci was trying to send her a message. As she looked at the two Cazenax in front of her, she could sense a difference between the two. Although she sympathized with Wesca's statement, she also saw an opportunity to win favor with her. [colour=009fff]"We have encountered a farmer who mentioned something similar and explained the concept of the Vozas,”[/colour] she began to explain. [colour=009fff]"It seems that the Vozas lacks a certain sense of soul in what it produces. When you grow and cook something, it takes time and energy, and there is a certain sweetness that comes from the fruits of your own labour. There's something about the minor imperfections that enhance the overall experience. Being able to do something for the sheer enjoyment of it, sharing it with others, and seeing them savour the results you bring to the table. We imagine your friends must love visiting your home, and your husband looks very happy and well-fed!”[/colour] Wesca smiled and shrilled, appearing almost giddy, as she nudged her husband's side, eagerly looking at him as if to say, [i]"See! She understands!"[/i] Talo, however, seemed to be focused on a different part of Ayla's statement. [colour=IndianRed]"A farmer met you?"[/colour] Ayla paused for a moment, nodding in confirmation. [colour=009fff]"While we were escaping the sandstorm, we encountered a Horse-girl named Classa. She led us to a farm owned by a sweet-water farmer named Jascuan. He was kind to us and introduced us to some concepts, including the Vozas,"[/colour] she explained, using a flick of her finger to signify turning pages. [colour=009fff]"We were actually about to leave and search for our friends when we were attacked by raiders. They summoned foul demons and even targeted my beautiful hair,"[/colour] she said, pulling out the remaining strands of the damaged section. Seeing their concerned expressions, she quickly waved it off. [colour=009fff]"Don't worry! We took care of the demons. The others who escaped the golem ran away."[/colour] The pair looked at Ayla, then each other, Talo coughed to clear his throat, [colour=IndianRed]“Many, were you?”[/colour] Wisca continued to listen in. [colour=009fff]"There were only three of us. Afterward, we split up in an attempt to find our friends. We got lost after a... well, let's just say there was a massive explosion out in the desert,"[/colour] Ayla explained, choosing not to disclose the cause of the explosion. She nodded a little sheepishly. [colour=009fff]"By any chance, do you happen to know Farmer Jascuan?"[/colour] Talo's eyes showed recognition, but then dismissed it. [colour=IndianRed]"There are no guild members by that name,"[/colour] he stated. Wesca chimed in, [colour=Olive]“Glad I am. Vozas zin muddy water. Farm coze … quaint.”[/colour] [colour=IndianRed]“Jackrabbit’s gold”[/colour] Talo shot her a look before she turned to Ayla and asked, [colour=IndianRed]"Are you a mercenary?"[/colour] Ayla simply nodded along, smiling warmly at Wesca. She approached the couple and joined them, transitioning from a stranger to a guest. [colour=009fff]"Oh, no. We are Nobility, just like yourselves,"[/colour] she said, gesturing to the surroundings. [colour=009fff]"Clearly, you earn and deserve such a privilege."[/colour] Talo sighed, [colour=IndianRed]“Guild master. A proud weaver of Vozas for many generations. Our work has brought prosperity and security to our people”[/colour] Wesca shook her head, smiling at Ayla, understanding her mistake and the unintended compliment associated with it. [colour=Olive]“The future is uncertain with the King’s plans, they are.”[/colour] Ayla nodded as she shows an interest in their conversation. [colour=009fff]“We are naive to these matters, are you able to enlighten me on this topic?”[/colour] Talo shifted in his chair, settling into a more comfortable position. He observed the foreign human girl with a mix of amusement and a desire to impart his knowledge. Wesca ordered the stuzé to bring them some drinks, setting the stage for a more relaxed conversation. [colour=IndianRed]"The King's plans threaten to undermine the prosperous economic foundations of our society,"[/colour] Talo began. [colour=IndianRed]"You can see how life is good here. The Guilds have guided our people, providing us with food, clothing, and abundance. My wife enjoys cooking like we have much sand to count,"[/colour] he added with a hint of disapproval. [colour=IndianRed]"Stazen aims to remove the certification requirements for Vozas,"[/colour] Talo continued, his voice tinged with concern. [colour=IndianRed]"This opens the door to more hostile weavers like the ones who attacked the farm, or worse, birds hitting glass, inexperienced weavers accidentally unleashing unknown terrors upon us."[/colour] He shuddered, as if recalling a chilling experience. Ayla followed the gist of the argument, understanding that the King wants to increase production so others could enjoy life like Wesca, while the Guilds want to maintain control to manage the volatility of demons, and the silver lining of their pockets. She instinctively reached to touch her damaged hair, recognizing the potential dangers. As the drinks arrived and pleasantries were exchanged, the conversation continued. [colour=IndianRed]"Exactly. We must exercise caution and ensure that proper control and structure are maintained. Demons are tools that require wisdom and guidance to use. Mishandling them can lead to dire consequences. While no system is perfect, the guilds provide stability and control. It is the best we have."[/colour] Ayla nodded, sipping her glass of cool-sweetwater. She may not know much about the local system, but she understood the underlying principles. It reminded her of her life as a noble, where freedom came with the need to carefully consider her actions and maintain a certain image. Actions have consequences, and whilst she may envy a life of no consequences, and freedom experienced such as the market urchins, she is afforded a privilege that entails responsibility, a noblesse oblige. In this culture, the Vozas provides a powerful means to produce and enrich your family and that of others, but fraught with danger which requires a good deal of responsibility. [colour=009FFF]"We understand your concerns for safety and the well-being of your people. You’re right that striking a balance between progress and stability is crucial. Structure and direction can prevent the worst outcomes, especially when dealing with volatile forces like demons."[/colour] Talo smiled and nodded in agreement. [colour=IndianRed]"Exactly! We must strive to find that balance. While the King's intentions may be noble, they are a vulture’s meal. They can lead us down a dangerous misguided path to great ruin. Responsibility, security, and control over the Vozas should be our guiding principles to abide by."[/colour] Ayla smiled, sensing an opportunity to learn more about the Vozas and engage them in company. [colour=009FFF]"As a Guild Master with your wealth of experience, we admire your passion.[/colour] She leaned in toward them, offering an eager smile. [colour=009FFF]“If someone like myself wanted to learn about and weave the Vozas under the guidance of a knowledgeable master like yourself, would that be a possibility?"[/colour] Talo and Wesca exchanged glances, considering the request. [hr][center][colour=598527][h3]Marci[/h3][/colour][/center][hr] Marci was nearly pulling her hair out as Ayla seemed to be ignoring her request. [colour=598527]"Down here, stu-pid,"[/colour] she said, tugging on her earlobe four times. Finally, Ayla responded with three slow tugs. Marci blushed and said aloud, [colour=598527]"That means 'I love you'. Do we need to go through the pinch language again?"[/colour] She shook her head, knowing Ayla. She probably meant that sappy friend stuff too. Ayla was always there with the hugs, a royal clinger at times. Fortunately, she often brought Macaroons, which more than made up for it. Ayla wasn't too bad; she was just... her, and she risked her life on multiple times, so there is that debt as well. Marci began to communicate that she was locked up in the cellar, but currently investigating. She instructed Ayla to continue distracting the pair upstairs. She said she was investigating, but Marci wasn't beyond taking advantage of the situation for her own benefit either. Marci began her exploration, using her tethered range to constantly sweep for security. It seemed the pair had underestimated her, as she was caught off guard by security and quickly taken down. Marci didn't dress like a princess like Ayla, so she was really underestimated in comparison, most likely. The first rule of the snoop club is knowing your exit. She moved towards what seemed to be a back entrance to the building, with a clear route of escape. As she looked around, she noticed a pile of rubbish, including one of Potes-Palix's sweetwater bottles. She made a mental note of that. Something else that puzzled her was the bags of salt near the plant watering canteens, which seemed out of place. [colour=598527]"That isn't what plants crave,"[/colour] she thought as she noticed the stunted and unhealthy-looking plants. As she rummaged through the bedrooms, she found the place to be more functional than expected. There were all kinds of tools and stylers scattered around, but there were fewer trinkets than she had anticipated, especially compared to the nobles of Constantia or even Ayla's room. She made her way to the letter cabinet and glanced through the letters with fancy seals. Surprisingly, they were written in barely intelligible Avincian, as if they were some kind of code. She quickly read through them. They contained trivial things like gardening and cooking, mostly correspondence between the Dowage, Queen Mother and the guild master's wife. It seemed they were on good terms and needed to meet more often. After skimming through them, she felt even dumber for doing so, but she pocketed a few bits and pieces as she moved to other rooms. The Guild Master's office was another potential target, and again, the writing was in far more readable Avincian. She casually glanced through the letters as she searched, hoping to find something more important. They discussed how the heads of the guilds feared the end times, recalling it by removing the monopoly, freeing the slaves, and creating a world without the need for money. She smirked and tugged on Ayla's ear, saying, [colour=598527]"Long live the King."[/colour] She sat down on a comfortable chair and giggled at the expressed horror within the letter about how the freed slaves would put the heads of their oppressors on spikes and spend their days counting sand. There was definitely a web of intrigue and conspiracy, with an increasing fervour against the King. They portrayed him as a dangerous idealist, and they needed to convince him otherwise or else. She rolled her eyes at that comment. Guild masters, Nobles—they were all the same, too concerned with themselves. Marci leaned back on the chair, but it fell backward, taking her with it. She stumbled and accidentally knocked against a wooden panel. She rubbed her head and looked behind her, noticing a safe. Now, this is where the real juicy stuff is. Using her senses, she could tell how dangerous the trapped safe was. It certainly held something valuable. She moved away from it and used her magnetic magic with the tethering. The safe's metallic surface began to tremble. The intricate mechanisms hidden within whirred and clicked, resisting her intrusion, but Marci persisted. A symphony of cracks and groans filled the room as the safe struggled against the force of her magic. With a combination of power and finesse, she deactivated the traps before they could engage. Finally, with a resounding click, the safe yielded, and the heavy door swung open. Inside the safe, there were more letters, along with assorted money and precious items. She quickly glanced through the letters and noticed the name Sozo-Calupé-Cenzan, the head of the Sweetwater guild, being referenced regarding sums of money exchanged for a 'special operation.' Marci shook her head at what was clearly the guild planning an invasion of a farmstead. As she flipped through the pages, she saw a crude plan to occupy the sweetwater fields in the east and cut off access to fresh water in the south. There was another letter from the Dowager, explaining to the Guild Master how to poison his wife's garden to encourage secret meetings without drawing attention. She came across what would be an interesting update: [colour=598527]"Husband kill plants."[/colour] After taking what she considered important and cleaning up after herself, Marci headed toward the exit, constantly scanning for security. When a window of opportunity opened, she made a break for it and pinched Ayla, signalling her to meet in town. [hr][hr]