[center][h2]Elise Kim[/h2][h3][i]The Horizon[/i] — Dining Area[/h3][/center] When Elise had agreed to be a Frame Pilot, she had expected nothing particularly 'enticing' at the end of the day. Her choice, at it's core, was to join a PMC instead of being drafted by the U.S. military, and neither seemed particularly great at the end of the day—least of all in the middle of an apocalypse that had pushed humanity to the brink. But here she was years later, eating a fresh bowl of ramen as she overlooked the Tokyo skyline within a massive airship, living a life most people would only be able to dream of even [i]before[/i] the Warped had arrived and made a mess out of everything. It felt... [i]Wrong[/i], in a way—doubly so after having lived through hell as a civilian right before. She had no reason to complain, though, and the price she was paying for such luxuries—on top of the continued safety of her father—was her service as a fighter on the front lines. As to whether or not that was a fair trade... Well, she had no right to put a price on a human life, much less the innumerable masses whose own had been taken for no "good" reason. If she had been so lucky as to be allowed to live as she was now, then the least that she could do was work herself to the bone trying to make sure such an investment into her—and, by extension, those who worked alongside her—was worth it. Today was another such day—more than most, given the mission briefing they had been given a few days prior. A joint effort with the Japanese government in Tokyo to attempt to reclaim parts of the Saitama prefecture, if she recalled correctly; something more important than the usual small skirmishes with weaker Warped to help get them more used to fighting, at least. Hopefully the taste and warmth of the broth would calm her nerves instead of letting her stew in her thoughts any more... Or that the others would finish getting their meals before briefing. A nice chat was always nice to help break the tension in the air, and they did have some time to themselves for the moment.