Edge returned his mate's embrace. He sighed, feeling safe and warm in the dragon's strong arms. Though Path had a bump on his stomach, it didn't make him any less handsome. The young male felt tears welling up in his cursed eyes. He didn't like lying to Path, but he didn't want to make him worry. Edge choked, realizing the real reason. He was a hydra. While a year ago, Edge wouldn't know what that meant, this was not that case. He had been having dreams about his past lives. He was tortured, beheaded, and killed countless times. By the other dragons. Long, long ago, when the ocean was silver, he was the one and only. Not just the first hydra, but the first. He didn't recall if there was anyone else, but he doubted he was the first dragon. Edge's first memory was of the sky and the ocean. The sky was pink, and the ocean was grey, almost a metallic color. He wore nothing- there was no need to. And Edge recalled talking to someone. At first, he believed it was a dragon. Or maybe something extremely long-lived. But after the dreams haunted him night after night, he realized who he chatted with. It was the sky itself. The world he knew was made of infinite white rocks that clung together, some being swept away by the ocean. He didn't know what loneliness was, because all he knew was his life. Edge cried, because he knew that eventually the island he lived on was swept away and he drifted to the mainland, where he was accepted into the dragon's family. Many of them... but none of them had his strange eyes. From there, the memories got hazy. Edge did know he did something unthinkable. Eventually, the dragons all hated him until he had nothing left but himself. Even the hydras that were his flesh harbored hate for him. Even now, Edge believed that if Path knew everything, he too would hate him. Making strange, sad noises, Edge clung like a baby to the white dragon. "Path..." No matter what, Edge would just be reborn. Path had been alive for a long time, so Edge wondered how much longer he had to spend with his beloved. He smiled at the white dragon. "Hey, I'm feeling tired. Let's just- Ahh!" Feeling his skin break, Edge suddenly screamed. He drew his arms back and hugged them close to his body, feeling the scales popping out. Why was this happening to him?? He whipped around quickly, not wanting to show Path his scales. The scales that had probably done terrible things... Quickly, Edge bolted without warning, trying to keep his arms out of sight. He ran to their bedroom, where he flung himself at their bed and hid under the covers. He didn't want to let him see. He didn't trust him. Why? It was because of the memories had been quickly resurfacing. Path was one of them- a white! They had hunted him down, killed him many times and- NO! This was Path, who he loved... Right? Edge buried his face in his pillow, and rolled off the bed. He reached underneath the bed, finally finding what he had been looking for. The headphones he has used to enslave the dragon, in the name of science. Edge laughed weakly. He was very unstable, with all his emotions swirling inside, like a chaotic dance. And his slick scales just spread, like diamonds, until his whole arm except for his fingertips were covered in the sharp things. Edge fell to his knees. He was so pathetic... He wasn't even talking to Path more than he needed to anymore. Surely the white dragon was wondering why. The hydra dreaded that Path might confront him about it...