[center] Welcome to Oarbreak Cay, a fictional town on a large reefed island close to a mainland somewhere. Tourism has been seeing an upswing lately, and with it a new avenue has been thought up of by the city board. A skatepark! But a tropical storm just blew in and wrecked the place so now we start the story with a clean up crew. It would close the beach down and cause the surfers and tourist to find out about this new skateboarding thing. That's where we come in, as in I want to have a skateboarding camp where mostly kids and the instructors use the park and the surrounding town to not only learn to skate but also slice of life it up tropically. It could follow a schedule of days of the week for people rping kids or others just learning, to playing as instructors who might not even like the idea, to elders that simply signed there kid or spouse up for the class. Age and background range would be pretty wide to keep things interesting but I'm willing to knock it down to just young adults teaching tikes. As to the place in time it takes? Modern(JAPAN has a huge scene if I want to anime, also West Coast USA.), Large Group, Real World. I can write up a CS and title card pretty quick if people like the idea or have some to add to the plot. Which by the way should cumulate in a skating contest where we get to show off our development and skills (and potential raise enough funds for next year)! I'm open to questions n suggestions, such as what to name it also. Grab your pads and let's go![hider=Rolanda Ann Clouse] [B]Name:[/B] Rolanda Ann "Rollie" Clouse [b]Age Weight Height:[/b] 27 150lbs 5'2 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [b]Do they skate?(Vert, Transition, Street, Freestyle):[/b]Yes, she's a transition skater that prefers small ramps and bowls over rails and stairs. [b]Role:[/b]Instructor [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c4/cf/d2/c4cfd2a316e410189e32b73d5e1c061d.jpg[/img] [B]Personality:[/B] Dazed and confused would be a good descriptior for this young lass. Maybe it's anxiety over this new gig or a lifetime of being under outside pressure but oh boy does she have some nerves to sort through. As much as she stammers and flusters over common social interactions she's a bit of a savant once you put her on a board and have her slinging skate jargon at you. Being physically active and socially accepted opens her up to the world as a player not a slave to her temper basically. She loves to have fun however and hates to pout to long on her struggles with comments like, "oh it;s [i]fine[/i]", or "Sucks to suck." Doesn't mind the tomboy label either, so long as you don't get weird about it. Which has happened in the past, causing her to be a loner during her schooling. Rollie can be intense, and will fight for what she believes is right. Deadpan is her forte, but when she isn't too sour there is a genuine grin under her locks. Playful banter and goofing off are how she breaks the ice as she tries to not be too dour about life. You can tell there is an earnest attempt at her trying to connect when she speaks. This can backfire making her sound pleading when she gets upset. Knocking her off her game can be quite hard as she's already dated enough to know that maybe skateboarding isn't the most painful thing out there. Rollie enjoys teaching others tricks. A natural at the sport, her encouraging demenour comes out the most when she can instruct someone on how to do the awesome thing she's thought up now. Being tenacious is a big thing for her as well, attempting hard tricks is a great way to befriend her! This means she's a bit brash when it comes to things not on the ramp though. Kids and adults alike might find it hard to come up to her with a question NOT pertaining to skating as she just gets so into it sometimes. Being personal and polite is a struggle for her that she is trying to be better at. Bores easily, but follows rules pretty well, the minimal amount of responsibility usually works for her. Acceptance of herself and others is what she strives for which lead her to taking the skateboarding job in the first place. [B]Background:[/B] Rollie's upbringing was full of adventure. He father was a military pilot and would always have them moving with him as his career progressed, which gave Rollie plenty of time to learn to be the new kid. It wasn't so bad at first, seeing new places and people all the time. But the traveling left her with little time to actually get to know her father as well as she would have liked to. Early in her life her parents decided to separate leaving her with no siblings. Her mother seemed to have moved on quickly and her new step father was nice enough, though they did settle into Oarbreak before she finished her primary schooling. During her youth, she was a bit of a rascal. As a way to get attention from her father she acted out alot in her independent feelings. Big for her age at the time, she was a bully when she could be. Her stepfather considered this a sign and threatened her numerous times to better her grades and actions but to no avail. Her habit for being a rebel was born during this time, as she thought she knew everything there was to know. It wasn't until the passing of her father that she would learn otherwise. This brought about a period of regression for the tiny terror that she would use through out high school to get by in her books and grades. She graduated North Oarbreak Highschool as a straight B student: enough to get her to the community college a few hours away she thinks. Now the summer is here and Rollie is trying to find her place in the world. Her mom and stepdad still have a nest of kids to take of so she's moved to a small flat near the mainland bridge. Sure it's noisy AF but it's cheap and right on the way to the beach. And this new skate gig should be a blast, so the story goes. She doesn't know much about teaching kids, or how to surf, or how to adult...but she can shred! [b]Other:[/b] Known to be lucky, at least when it comes to falls. [/hider] [hider=Austin Perry] [B]Name:[/B] Austin Perry [b]Age Weight Height:[/b] 19 165lbs 6' [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Do they skate?(Vert, Transition, Street, Freestyle):[/b]Yes, he's a vertical dude who goes for the big halfpipes and airtime. [b]Role:[/b]Instructor [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/69/f0/a3/69f0a32a0ec7851c127b88fd0d74ecf8.jpg[/img] [B]Personality:[/B] Austin's a bit of a softy. He finds kinder ways to teach kids the fundamentals and is always down to drop a level for the sake of their development. Quiet, was going to go on tour as a pro before a big accident killed that dream, and you can tell he's runs a softer clip nowadays. [B]Background:[/B] Currently attending the local mainland college for a teaching career, this keeps him busy outside the camp. He enjoys the studious nature of hiding in his dorm but travels out to the island to skate the keys whenever he can get away. So this summer vacation he jumped at the chance to be apart of a new skate park right near by! [/hider] [img]https://preview.redd.it/bnbype275h071.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=84d4d55431328f771cb42e2c33394d8d86110e22[/img] [/center]