[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/985402701812744232/1128139384311521280/7a8238ce77610a38a83ebcd54b8d3b83.png[/img][hr][h2][color=lightblue]Cold Comfort: The Search for Red Carles[/color][/h2][hr][/center] The morning came once more, the ringing of the bell woke every once more. They were all escorted to the eating hall and were given the same tasteless food they have been given everyday. Yet today seemed much different, a presence of quiet excitement filled the air. Marz looked around and saw many ate with such speed it seemed they may nearly drown in the soup. Yet after the quick meal many stood and left of their own accord, not one monk seeming to stop them. Marz was confused for a moment before he felt a hand slap his shoulder and say, [color=orange]"Come on, this is a rare time"[/color] Marz was introduced to one of the few times that they have a respite while most of the Monk were away. Many of which seemed to dealing with religious duties, which most assumed was them trying to keep up their front. Which gave Choran time to show Marz the device and explain what it was, [color=orange]"This is it, the device we have been working on"[/color]. Choran fished the item from a crack in the wall someone had made to transport the device. Choran took it and then passed the item over to Marz to allow him to inspect it, [color=orange]"This is an Anti-magic disruptor"[/color]. Marz looked to Choran confused, [color=#933A16]"Okay, what does it do?"[/color] Choran chuckled to himself as he spoke some more, taking Marz to a more hidden location away from the crack they retrieved it from, [color=orange]"Its a device to counter the devices taking our use of magic away"[/color]. Marz began to nod, [color=#933A16]"Okay, so it is a device to counter act the sound being produced by these devices?"[/color] Choran looked to Marz and seemed impressed, [color=orange]"That's correct, how could you tell?"[/color] Marz continued, [color=#933A16]"Based upon how the device it made it seems to be made to have this cylinder spin in some form of fashion, something akin to oscillating to. With the grooves, possibly grinding against something with purpose"[/color]. Choran looked impressed as he said, [color=orange]"That's correct, we did run into a problem, it seems the-"[/color]. Marz then instantly cut Choran off, [color=#933A16]"You're usin' copper"[/color]. Choran looked to Marz confused, [color=orange]"What?"[/color]. Marz repeated himself, [color=#933A16]"You're usin' copper"[/color]. Marz let a moment stand before sighing to himself and continuing what he was saying, realizing Choran isn't getting what he is saying, [color=#933A16]"The copper you are using is unable to handle the stress you are putting upon it. The metal you need to transfer the energy across the cylinder needs to be able to do so efficiently, but also needs to be strong enough to handle the oscillation and keep contact without being warped by heat or friction. Copper is unable to do all these things by itself without being malformed. You should encase a thin wire of tungsten in copper to increase the copper's ability to handle the oscillation and keep contact while the tungsten absorbs the heat. It will cut a groove into the device eventually, however, if done properly it should work for long enough"[/color]. Choran and the many Hegelans who began to gather to listen to Marz as he continued to explain small things he began to see within the device. Small things, yet things that most wouldn't notice when their focus were so set upon the goal. For Marz, he still had the ability to dedicate himself to his craft to see the faults. Unlike those who were trapped in this prison for so long, all they could look for is the next step to freedom. Once the bell rang again, it signaled for the next meal time, lunch. Here Marz across from Venna and asked something he was curious about, [color=#933A16]"Aye Venna, you go around wit tha cart, is there other work areas?"[/color]. Venna looked up and nodded to Marz with a smile, [color=pink]"Oh ya, there is a whole bunch of 'em. But they are mostly made up into clusters based upon what they do. The one you are in is mostly dedicated to fine work, the other cluster is pretty strange"[/color]. Marz sat down and looked to Venna wishing for her to continue, [color=#933A16]"How so?"[/color] Venna continued, now swaying her spoon around as if recalling what she's seen, [color=pink]"Oh, you know. They focus upon more laborious craft. Seems to be an older workshop actually, it would makes sense because of the work they do there"[/color]. Marz continued to listen intently as he began to watch multiple begin to take notice. [color=pink]"They seem to be working on Monarch crafts. You know-"[/color]. Marz cut in with, [color=#933A16]"-void hearts"[/color] Venna nods as she continued, [color=pink]"Ya, it's strange though, the monks call 'em chaos marbles or somethin the like. They have a whole bunch of em though, but it seems the monks 'ave been quite pissy since production slowed-"[/color]. Venna stopped herself as she noticed multiple others begin to make their way over to sit next to Marz. Many of them looked to Venna quite nastily, as she left, leaving Marz in a strange spot, yet one he could not rectify now, he had just earned their trust. Marz let out a sigh as he began to eat the tasteless soup, strangely it had flavor, the soup was sour. Marz and the other crafters who are part of the plan fall into a routine. They began to steal little bits of useful materials as they work. Important metals, makeshift tools, and even some makeshift parts made in the shop that they eventually sneak off through whatever means they can. Marz had learned why the Hegelans had such rough-looking hair, often time they were handled in rough ways to move and shift the hair, oftentimes with tough gloves that have metal fixing that catches on the hair. Yet even with this, Marz and the others found ways of taking things out, even with searches. Marz often uses alternative compartments to hide them away. With these many materials the group was able to pool together, they used any recesses, bathroom breaks, and even sleep time to work feverishly on the device. With new found vigor and resolve, they made great progress on their work. As the device truly neared completion, talks continued into even dinner, whispered talks near the center of the table as many around the center group spoke louder, using their voices as a shield against the ears of the prying. Those within the center, with Marz being the forefront of it all, working on the device even further. With all this work, few were truly allowed near, leaving Venna, the one Marz had first met within this prison, outcasted, as she knew she was not welcomed by the others. During this night, Marz was the one to take the fewest breaks, using his work to the best of his ability to try and draw the least suspicion. All in the sake for him to be able to retrieve a part from the privy that had come loose from someone's mistake. Many of the monks grew to trust Marz because of his forward nature and hard work, leaving them little room to doubt his nature. Which allowed him leeway when it came to the use of the restroom. When Marz made it to the toilet, he began to enter the men's toilet when he picked up the sounds of crying from the women's privy a few yards away. Marz quickly fished out the part that came loose and made his way to the woman's privy as he was finally able to make the voice out, recognizing them to be Venna's. Marz sighed as he lightly knocked on the door, a scramble happened within as it seemed the occupant had been startled. After a moment the door opened with Venna appearing wiping tears from her face, and said once she noticed Marz, [color=pink]"Oh, hey, sorry about that. You shouldn't have seen that"[/color] Marz looked to Venna with something that doesn't often show on his face, concern, [color=#933A16]"What's wrong Venna?"[/color] Tears began to pour from Venna's face again as she began to pour all of her woes. The pain she felt being so outcasted from everyone. These months alone, outcasted, all until someone finally came to find her. Yet all that happened was that he was also captured. Turned into a worker in this forsaken prison and had slowly been withering away from the toil and little rest. [color=pink]"My own father! All I can do is watch! Everyone has a plan, everyone has an objective and all I can do is sit here!"[/color] Venna grabbed onto Marz and looked up to him, tears streaming down her cheeks, [color=pink]"Please! Marz! Anything! I want to help! I can't take this! I know you have a plan!"[/color] Marz felt his heart get caught in his throat, he felt Venna's true anguish, all the emotions, everything. Her very voice seemed to resonate something, as he had a vision. Something that he had when he dedicated himself to this path as a smith, a purpose, a reason, a will, the soul of a person. He saw just a glimpse of Venna's will, and he knew he had to do something. Marz the broke his silence, [color=#933A16]"We are making a device to stop the magic dampening"[/color]. Venna looked to Marz confused as if he didn't hear him. Marz continued, [color=#933A16]"We are making a device to allow us to regain our magic. With it, we are going to try and make a break, taking out the monks and escaping"[/color]. Venna's eyes began to glow once more, bright as a star as she seemed to have finally gotten something. She was finally trusted as Marz took hold of Venna's shoulders, [color=#933A16]"Now that you know, we need your help, You are the only one who can move between the 2 areas"[/color]. Venna began to nod her head as her mouth opened, [color=pink]"I…I can. I can help, I can spread the news quietly. Freedom will come with magic. Maybe I could even make it where when things happen the others will already be ready to fight. Using the weapons they'd make, we can fight them"[/color]. Marz nods as he says, [color=#933A16]"Good, we're almost done, so let's head back to work. We have a lot to get done"[/color]. Holding his hand out for Venna to high-five him, as they begin to head their separate ways. Marz and many of the others are hard at work, working like mad to complete their work for the day while also completing work for the anti-magic dampening device. Hours of work to near the finishing stages of the device, only leaving fit and finish and then testing to do. With by the time they turn in for the night, they were near the point they could think of the actual escape. Today was some of the most fervent days they had, which left Marz quite exhausted, yet also excited. Even into the night, Marz could not stop thinking of the plan and the device, this sleepless time was kept in tempo by Mazan's snoring. However, once more, Marz began to hear the scratching he heard the night earlier. This time Marz was able to discern its origin coming from the lower bunk where Khalud was. Marz feeling something wrong, used his preparedness to jump up and nearly tackle the smaller chubbier man. Leading to Khalud to nearly fumbling a scroll with writing materials. Marz then quietly barks, [color=#933A16]"What is that?"[/color] [color=Purple]"None of your business, now fuck off"[/color]. Marz began to nearly stand to his full height as Khalud seems to squeal out, [color=purple]"They're messages to my family back home! I won't share anything with you, it's-"[/color], Khalud seems to become slightly blushed before continuing, [color=purple]"It's for my husband back home"[/color]. Marz looked to Khalud slightly aghast as he said, [color=#933A16]"Keep it to yourself, I don't wanna read it"[/color]. With Marz returning to his bed, he went to lay down again and began to fall asleep, giving him but a glimpse of movement in the doorway before his eyes fully closed. With the scratching now unable to be heard anymore.