[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tvp7akE.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220102/bf3d6631f3de8b5fc005ce115e5f2708.png[/img][/cell][/row][/table] Reya's face lit up with a smile as Talie announced that she had won the little game and secured her prized amethyst geode, only briefly taking her mind off of Zack and the closeness in which he watched her. [color=8c546f]"Yay!"[/color] She exclaimed, feeling proud that her father's teachings had been valuable in some respect. Her excitement over the crystal, however, was short lived. [color=C70E13]“Wow, see I told you you were good at everything~!”[/color] Reya felt a jolt of electricity fire throughout her entire body as Zack's hand slid across her waist and pulled her in closer. She held her previous smile, completely frozen, but her face gradually [url=https://i.imgur.com/7pBAbO3.gif]colored itself the same shade as a ripe strawberry[/url]. Talie's request for ice cream went unnoticed by Reya; besides her scrambled thoughts, Reya could only hear the sound of her own heart trying to jump out of her chest. [color=8c546f][i]'What is he doing?! Is he drunk?? He has to be. What?! What is going on. We've never been this close! AHHHH. Where is Stella?!'[/i][/color] Reya began to nervously giggle as Zack offered to bring ice cream back for Talie. [color=8c546f]"Yes! Ice Cream!"[/color] She confirmed, still feeling the lingering tingle of her nervous system alerting her to exactly where Zack's hand hung on to her hips. She laughed louder, awkwardly, as Zack pointed out how red her face was. [color=8c546f]"HaahhhaAHHAHAH"[/color] She side stepped out of Zack's arms and quickly spun herself around to face the rest of the crowd instead of Talie and Zack - a futile attempt to hide the redness of her face. [color=8c546f]"It's so hot out here. Are you guys hot? It's super hot. We should get ice cream, yeah. Like, right now."[/color] She began to walk away towards the nearest ice cream stand, not waiting for anyone's answer. [color=8c546f][i]'What are YOU doing?! It's hot out here???? REALLY?'[/i][/color] She cringed at herself. She was making a fool out of herself and she knew it. Reya was rarely so unhinged, but Zack's forwardness had been the last thing she expected and it had completely knocked her off balance. [color=8c546f]"Oh."[/color] Reya paused in her step and blinked a few times as she came face to face with exactly who Zack was on the hunt for. Emily had been looking back and speaking to two blonde people whom Reya had never seen and in doing so had nearly run right into Reya's face. [color=8c546f]"Hey, Em."[/color] She greeted, feeling uncomfortable as she knew Emily would notice the tomato color of her skin as well. She turned back towards where she had left Zack and Talie, only a few feet away. [color=8c546f]"Zack!"[/color] She called, waving him over and then pointing directly at Emily. She knew she was most likely about to be on Emily's shit list, but... Reya had to make the sacrifice for the "greater good". It was either address what Reya's problem was with Zack over ice cream with him or throw Emily under the bus as soon as possible to distract him from the situation ever happening. Sorry, Emily. A sacrifice had to be made. [hr] [right][sub][@Viciousmarrow][@PrinceAlexus][/sub][/right]