I'd like to express interest too. Haven't read much beyond the OC initial post and some character sheets. I'll have to catch up. Also haven't done Fallout RPs with you all in quite awhile but it would be fun to pick it up again. I've got two ideas right now: [hider=BoS Ideas] BoS Knight/Paladin from Maxson's group that's sort of an inversion of the standard Heir Apparent Excellent Leader trope. Bitter that the Mojave group failed. Confident that Maxson/Irving would have done better and that had they been there he'd be Third (if not Second) in line rather than Hardin. Very capable soldier, but less capable as a leader. Confident nonetheless that he is a great leader. BoS Infiltrator/Agent, which is to say Scribe/Scout/Spy. Capable enough in physical matters, but much more geared to the cerebral. Trying to fish out any information on The Green. That's the mission. Also, due to standard BoS self importance, trying to find out any information that might be beneficial to whatever operation is to come next, after the defeat of The Green. [/hider] [hider=New Eden Idea] If neither of those sounds good or sort of contradicts IC posts I'd also be interested in writing a sort of adversarial group. My idea for that is to try to walk a line between science and insanity with a group that has been studying The Green and thinks it may be best to either let it take the Vegas area completely or seem to control it. To harvest it for food, let it bring some of the desert to life, treat it like a New Eden. Could go for a "are they scientists or cultists?" vibe. [/hider] Let me know if any of those would work. My work schedule is pretty intense these days, I've been moving on up, but I've gotten pretty good with time management.