[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LmEwMjBmMC5VMjlzSUV4MWJXbHViM00uMQ/scriptina.regular.webp[/img][/center] [i]He had been sleeping the night everything fell to ruin. What awoke him, however, weren’t the explosions or the screams, but the sounds of clattering steel and thudding footsteps that approached his room. He opened his amber eyes and sat up in bed just as his father burst in. He was dressed in full plate armor, an ornate helm under his right arm and a deep purple cape draped over his left shoulder. [color=#A020F0]”F-Father? What’s happening?”[/color] a young, sleepy Sol asked as he rubbed his eyes. His father, Emperor Astrum Luminos, looked down at his son, barely hiding the sadness in his eyes. He knelt next to Sol’s bed and placed his helm on the ground next to him. Reaching out, he placed his hands on Sol’s shoulders and quietly said, “Listen well, my son. I need you to put on your armor and follow Prefect Istria to the safe room, where your mother and sister are waiting. Something terrible is happening outside and I need to go help our soldiers.” He moved one hand from Sol’s shoulder and gently tapped his fist against Sol’s chest. “Be strong for your mother and sister. I will return as soon as I am able.” Though he was confused, Sol looked into his father’s eyes with a resolve that made Astrum’s heart swell with pride. [color=#A020F0]”I will, Father,”[/color] he said with a decisive nod. Emperor Astrum returned Sol’s nod with one of his own as he picked up his helm and rose to his feet. He turned to the huge, bald-headed man next to him, and placed a hand on his arm. “Keep him safe, my friend.” “Of course, Your Highness,” Marcus replied with a reverent nod. As Astrum hurried from the bedroom, Marcus turned to find Sol already fastening his greaves to his shins. “Let me help you with that, my lord,” he offered as he knelt in front of his young charge. Despite the size of his hands, Marcus’ fingers adjusted the straps of Sol’s greaves with surprising dexterity. As Marcus helped Sol into the rest of the armor, the young man asked, [color=#A020F0]”Who’s attacking us, Marcus?”[/color] The bear was quiet for a moment before he said, “It appears to be the World Government, my lord. At least, that’s what our scouts have been reporting.” Sol’s brow furrowed. [color=#A020F0]”But…why? We haven’t done anything to them, have we?”[/color] Marcus shook his head as he adjusted the final strap. “No, my lord. But there’s no time to worry about that, right now. I have to get you to your mother and sister, then catch up to your father.” He gave Sol’s breastplate a tug and nodded, satisfied that the armor was secure. He then pulled a sword from his belt, one quite a bit smaller than what was standard for soldiers of the Legion, and offered it to Sol. “Your sword, my lord.” Sol hesitated. He had been training with a sword for most of his young life, but it was usually with a wooden practice weapon. The few times he was allowed to swing a real sword was when his mother or father wanted him to practice his edge alignment. That hesitation didn’t last long, however. He knew his mother would normally be able to handle herself in a fight, but with his little sister being barely two years old, she wouldn’t be able to fight as well. If their enemies made it through their guard, it would be up to him to protect them both. He reached out and took the sword.[/i] [hr] A knock interrupted the dream, much to Sol’s relief. There wasn’t much he cared for less than reliving that night. He opened his eyes to darkness, then lifted the cap he rarely wore off of his face, only to wince at the light that stabbed at his eyes from the nearby window. He had been in the middle of finishing the report that was interrupted by Rockaport’s arrival and the subsequent duel when he decided to take a quick nap. A glance outside told him a couple of hours had passed. [color=#A020F0][i]No wonder my neck’s sore,[/i][/color] he thought as he sat up. The knock sounded again and he called out, [color=#A020F0]”Come in.”[/color] The door opened and Lieutenant Nelson stepped through, Sol’s freshly laundered coat and a bundle of paper in her arms. She saw Sol’s groggy expression and stifled a chuckle. “Did that duel wear you out that much, Captain?” she teased as she walked over to him. [color=#A020F0]”Very funny, Lieutenant,”[/color] Sol replied flatly as Nelson placed the items she carried on his desk. He glanced at the coat and resisted the urge to grimace, the urge more powerful with the memory of that night fresh in his mind. Instead he turned his focus to the bundle of papers on top of it. [color=#A020F0]”Newspapers?”[/color] he asked, though it was obvious what they were. “And some new bounties,” Nelson added as Sol cut the twine with a pair of scissors. “Just a couple, this time. That gambler, Andou, escaped custody, so a bounty’s been issued for him. But, that’s not the interesting one…” Sol raised an eyebrow and picked up the newspapers, each one from the major publishing companies in each of the Blues. He scanned the headlines before setting the papers aside to read later. An article about the anniversary of the fall of the Nychthemeron Empire, one about some disappearances on some island in the West. [color=#A020F0][i]A “lightbulb?” That might be interesting,[/i][/color] Sol thought, always having had an interest in science and new technology. Then, he got to the bounties. The first one was for ‘Snake-Eyes’ Andou. Sol didn’t know much about the guy, just that the hiss luck seemed to be unusually awful for a so-called gambler. He was also clear over in the West, so Sol couldn’t really bring himself to care enough to be curious. He set the paper aside…then froze when he saw the ghost staring at him on the next bounty. It had been fifteen years since he last saw her, but he knew right away who he was looking at without needing to read the name. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead as he suddenly shot to his feet, one hand on the desk next to the bounty as he covered his mouth with the other, doing his best to calm down before his eyes could change color. “M-Max?” Nelson asked, her voice coming from miles away. “Are you okay?” Sol took a few breaths before saying, [color=#A020F0]”Uh, y-yeah, I’m fine. I just…”[/color] He shook his head. He cleared his throat as he regained some composure and continued, [color=#A020F0]”You’re dismissed, Lieutenant. I’m…I’m not feeling well, so I’m going to get some more sleep. You’re in charge until I wake up.”[/color] Rachel opened her mouth, then closed it. “Yes, sir,” she simply said before turning around. Only when the door closed behind her did Sol finally sit back down. He picked up the bounty with a shaking hand as he stared at the face illustrated on the paper. While she had a cocky grin, a confident look in her eyes that seemed to say “Fight me!”, and looked in no way like the quiet, shy girl he once knew, Sol knew he would always recognize her, despite how unique her half-Mink blood made her look. [color=#A020F0]”Lu…I can’t believe it…”[/color] he whispered. His eyes changed to a cobalt blue as he finally let his emotions wash over him. Covering his eyes as tears began to run down his face, he grinned for what felt like the first time in years. [color=#A020F0]”You’re alive…You’re really alive…!”[/color]