[b]Solarel [/b] The door is open and it is full of fire. The threshold is made of light. The spirit of the Aeteline is the spirit of fire. A nuclear furnace. It is yours, it has been yours, it remains yours. What is the burning of your blood to a silver sword in the face of this cursed spirit? What is pain when everything is already consumed? The Aeteline is ready. Connection lines extend freely to take you. All the explosive energy waits to be commanded. Protection routines snap into place, nanobot reconstruction systems throwing thin but regenerating walls to separate you from your attackers in nothing more than a reflex. To join with the Aeteline is to be so much more. Is this not your true body? Was everything you were before not merely a scouting system to collect data to return to the core? Is this not the true scale of the universe? It would not do to remain here. Nor to crush the small things beneath you. They are unworthy of such attention. They are nothing but the dust before your eyes obscuring the universe. Your calling is to ascend above such things and see that which is beautiful. Is this not also truth? *** [b]Ksharta and Jade[/b] “You did” she says, and smiles, but her eyes are sad. “I…worry that I’m broken. I look at the great Hybrasilians and they are all so…so wild. Look at your pride, at the abandon that Dolly seems to so easily take on, how willing she is to give herself to something greater. To…someone greater.” She blushes despite herself, as she certainly has felt the connection all night. “Look at Mirror, or Kiara, or the many priestesses. The heroes and goddesses in the myths. Did Irtana grow despondent because her tribe was defeated and she was left alone? No, you rose to the goddesses and so gained her own godhood through boldness and bravery. Mu Ysha did not give in to despair when she shattered her sword on the rock of Hunger, but instead she meditated and sought penance, and in the hunt she drew her sword of blood for the first time and fought with Hunger as an equal.” Ksharta sniffles. “I thought maybe with your blessing that I could be strong like them. But I couldn’t. So I thought that maybe I’m the one who’s broken.” You know, Jade, that as a faithful Hybrasilian, it would never cross her mind to consider that you are in any way the problem, it’s either her fault or some other goddess who overruled your authority. She isn’t crying very hard though, and she isn’t done talking. “Maybe I just set my sights too high. I’ve always relied on the others, I’m a good cook, I make people happy. Now I get to experience these other feelings too through your favor and I can stay here where it’s safe. Do I really need my own victory or my own knight or my own pirate?” She sniffles again and tries to smile because you did help, Jade, and she loved this, and she’s glad to be here, and it’s even more special that you came and gave her all her attention so gently even though she knows how much you’re hurting too. It’s just that even with all that, her heart is aching and so things are very hard. *** [b]Dolly[/b] “You know” Valynia says quietly, “I’ve half a mind to rip that sleeve back off of you. I didn’t think my feelings were for sharing with the whole group. But…I see your choice and I won’t take it from you now. Not…not right now. She breathes, and you can feel her taking in your scent, the feel of your body and your hair and the headdress pressed against her. “You smelled like this when I jumped on you the first time” she says, and breathes again. “Like prey and excitement. Ready to bolt but so so hungry all at the same time. It made my heart beat then, and it does now. It’s why, at the little station…Whispered Promise is her own goddess, but I don’t want a goddess, I want you, little priestess. I want you. I’ll take the goddess you come with if I must. But. I. Want. You. Dala Hunters.” She breathes again and her claws are sharp against you as she quivers, and her muscles harden. “Personally, I think your goddess is being jealous and petulant and you’re too willing to go along with her. You say I have the Red Band and you have her. Well, fuck you. I’m a pirate, Dala Hunters. I’m greedy. I want everything I want.” She smiles then, twisting you just sideways enough that you can see her face, her grin with her teeth out, ready to bite. “But I don’t think I want unfairly~ I think you can have me, and you can have her, and she can come gallantly to your rescue, but every time in the meantime I get to have you. ♡” “So there you are, little Dolly. Do you think my offer is fair? If you want it, your face is right here. You don’t have to say anything at all. All you have to do is nod, just a little, just the tiniest little motion.” *** [b]Mirror (and Isabelle)[/b] There are eyes for your dance. Eyes for Mirror’s impassioned speech. In the center of it, Adriana nods to herself. Perhaps she agrees. It would certainly match with her manner of choosing a successor, something she chooses by merit despite her family name carrying the greatest weight of any blood in the entirety of the Terenius Consortium. But now the music is ending, and soon the party will be as well. Also there’s probably going to be a warning klaxon going off in the hanger presently as a result of Solarel’s particular door smashing talent.