[h1][b][i][color=CC99FF][center]Dorian Gray[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443553828874/CQrs.gif[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=CC99FF][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B [color=CC99FF][b]Skills[/b][/color]: [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1064032443860004934/Screenshot_20210223-112042_Instagram-1-1.jpg]First Day Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] Dorian couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought that Percy was supposed to be her friend, yet here he was telling her to just give up on a judges team and go to another one that was content with losing. His jaw tightened, the muscles flexing in the back as he bit his tongue on the subject. Maybe that was something that Zelda would want, but they were both freshmen here, neither of them truly knew how lucky they were to have made it onto the Judges team in their first year at AA. The last team to do that well…they were now the youngest superhero team allowed to assist on missions and rescues while still attending the school. The tension in his jaw lessened as Nemo called out Zelda to stay after class. Something Dorian had wanted to do to speak more with the old man before heading off into his next course. He’d have to try again after school, after all now he knew where his office was. For now he’d have to be content with how things were working out. That is, until Nemo spoke again. His words had such a dark undertone it made Dorian wonder if Nemo already knew about what it was that he wanted to speak to him about. As if he knew why it was that everyone else had perished, and now he wondered if he was the cause of it. Did Dorian make one mistake that he couldn’t undo? Did that domino into an apocalypse that wiped out all of his friends? Maybe that’s why he’d made it onto this team, so that Nemo could keep an eye on him and ensure he doesn’t do it again. His chest felt tight as Nemo handed them the ropes to bind them. Dorian nodded towards him, taking them as he knelt down to begin tying Danni and Zelda together by the legs. He took this time to try and hammer out any plan or idea that they could get for the first course. [color=CC99FF]”Percy’s a teleporter, t’ough not exactly an accurate one. Chances are ‘e’s gonna try to cheese t’is course. We need to work toget’er if we’re gonna beat t’em. Zelds, is t’ere a way you could shield you and me? Danni can use his flames like rockets and fly us down towards t’e boat nice and quick and hopefully it’ll get us a leg up on the competition.”[/color] He wanted to add that he understood that she didn’t care about winning or losing, but her teammates did. This wasn’t their first year, and they wanted to make a big splash before they left good old AA. He continued tying them all together until they were ready. Danni was in the center with Zelda and Dorian to either side of him to help balance out the flight. He was used to going off this way, but he was sure Zelda hadn’t had a flaming flight before and worried how’d she react.