Well, that took an embarrassingly long time. Look it over and let me know if anything needs attention. The picture is an odd one, but it's got a feel I like. I'll probably swap it out when I find something I like more. [hider=Sasha Ivanova] Name: Sasha Ivanova Gender: Female Nationality: Russian Appearance: [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/164/c/d/metamorphosis_by_OrangeJu.jpg]Sasha[/url] Personality: The world is a very binary place for Sasha; things are either important or they are not. If they are important, they are to be mastered and perfected, with no exception spared and no quarter given or asked for. If they are not, they are completely, utterly uninteresting. War, for instance. War is both important and interesting, a dance of its own and a lethal one at that, and Nana Valikovna succeeded in planting the thought in Sasha's mind young that grew, with years of cultivation and watching the stupidity of others, into a firm sense of duty. War is important, and should therefore be perfected. People, on the other hand, are not important. At least, 99% of people are not important, and therefore completely boring. Much of life, in fact, is completely boring to the haughty Russian, and she has no problem displaying as such. Rules that are not grounded in safety, for instance, are equally unimportant, and she disregards them almost at will with little hesitation or regard for the consequences. As much as she demands perfection, however, her narrow focus allows much of her time not spent perfecting her current obsession to be spent in lazy boredom; she smokes because she hasn't bothered to kick the habit. When she can get away with it, she drinks for fun. She could be beautiful, but she rarely bothers to comb her hair but for Important occasions, where it must be immaculate. She is a creature of intensity and boredom in equal measure. Bio: Sasha wanted to be a ballerina. Since she was little, she loved watching them dance and swirl across the stage—if she only ever saw them on the internet or on television, she dreamed of being so beautiful, so elegant and in control. She badgered her parents from the first time she saw it, wearing them down over time with the patience only a child can bring to bear until finally they relented and found an aging ballerina who would cut them a break on the price of lessons for free meals at their restaurant. Nana Valikovna took Sasha in with grudging respect for the unfailingly hard working child who demanded nothing less than perfection from herself and allowed Sasha to join in on her classes. For years, Sasha couldn't have been happier. And then came the fateful day that Sasha's results came in. Every child at her school had been through the stupid application tests, every last one of them had failed, so why was it that in the middle of class Nana Valikovna had to stop her music, answer her phone, and tell little Sasha that her parents were on their way with big news? All Sasha wanted was for her to turn the music back on, but her parents arrived shortly after brimming with excitement. Their little girl had passed, and passed so well that they wanted to enroll her in a special school! A school for special girls and boys like her who might have what it took to pilot an A.W.E., a robot that kept them all safe (and provided a not-insubstantial kickback to the child's family for their trouble). Sasha, of course, had no interest in the matter, but Nana Valikovna put a hand on her shoulder and looked to her with the strongest eyes Sasha had ever seen. “Men and women fight and die so you can practice your ballet.” Said the mother of three military sons, one of whom would never come back. “You are not such a weak little thing that you would let them down when they needed you, would you?” And if Sasha didn't care at all about her parent's excitement, if she didn't care at all about being a pilot, she knew full well that she would never be such a weak little thing in Nana Valikovna's eyes. The program was intense, as much orphanage as boarding school, and though she didn't see her parents very much in the years to come she wrote to Nana Valikovna weekly with an old black pen that took ink from a well, like they had in the movies. Even if it did get her hands dirty. Like everything Sasha did, she poured herself into it with an obsessive, single-minded intensity and accepted nothing but perfection from herself. It was no surprise to anyone when she received the letter to the prestigious Lunar Academy. She had earned it. [/hider] [hider=A.W.E.] A.W.E. Designation: ULANOVA Role: Long-Range Fire Support Frame: Heavy (20pts) Manufacturer: Knight > Railgun Tech - 1 free points is given towards a single size three 'railgun' classified armament or special weapon. > Omniscience - Up to 2 free points (cannot go below 0) given towards a 'sensor' classified support armament or special ability. > Energy Enigma - The A.W.E. cannot equip laser or plasma weapons. Appearance: Armaments: • ExRARC-1036X “Exarch” Rail Cannon – A massive implement, the current high-end production model from Knight, the Exarch Rail Cannon is a massive implement integrated on ULANOVA's left shoulder, retracted and compacted over the shoulder blade when not in use. When deployed and fully extended, it is a massive weapon built for one purpose—long distance anti-armor. Accelerating a 3.5 kg 105mm Depleted Uranium Sabot round to as close to the speed of electricity as conditions allow, it can slag even the toughest armor. It loses some of its benefits when utilized against soft or relatively unarmored targets, but it is more than capable of punching through even the toughest armor when loaded with jacketed slugs. (Heavy Long Range Conventional, 2 pts w/ Knight Bonus) • RFFS-4 “Valentin” .50 Caliber Minigun – The bread and butter of ULANOVA's armaments, the Valentin is a .50 Caliber minigun designed to serve as a multipurpose function. With it's standard allotment of Grade 2 Armour Piercing rounds, it serves equally well as an anti-personnel and light fortification deterrent, and it's intense rate of fire allows it to excel at cutting through massed infantry or suppressing fire. It can be loaded with a variety of ammunition types dependent upon availability and stock, but with it's 'cure all' purpose it is usually relegated to its standard load-out. (2 Handed Middle Range Conventional, 2pts) • SCB “Cestus” Gauntlets – When push comes to shove, the ULANOVA gets messy. Essentially little more than impact-rated shaped charges that slot into place over the ULANOVA's knuckles, these high explosives trigger when enough force strikes the plate at the fore of the unit's fist, typically during a punch. The charge is not a small one, and typically can be expected to buy the A.W.E. at least enough room to bring it's Minigun to bear. It takes almost a full three seconds for a new charge to be secured in place, however, and is a last resort more than anything. Like much of the ULANOVA's equipment the charge can be modified to match the situation, but a high explosive charge seems to have become the standard. (1 Handed Convention Melee, High Damage, 2 pts.) Shield Strength: Strong (6 pts) Signature Asset: • AAU-1-45XL “Trebuchet” Indirect Mortar – The Trebuchet is a prototype form of artillery, a teleportation unit integrated with the ULANOVA's extensive sensory and support systems. By locking on a particular location within a battlefield, either via coordinates provided by the Albatross or, more rarely, triangulated coordinates provided by external sources, the Trebuchet is capable of loading any of several tremendous charges, priming them, and teleporting them to the ideally determined location for instant deployment. Though multiple rounds have been tested and found effective, due to weight constraints the ULANOVA is typically listed to four of the cannister charges. It typically enters the fray with two massive monofilament anti-personnel cannisters, an airburst tactical mine-layer and a tremendous high-explosive charge. It is mounted on the ULANOVA's left shoulder blade and occupies much of it's back. Sensory Units: • OLSU “Condor” – The Condor Overland Sensory Unit is part and parcel with the ULANOVA's ability to effectively deliver it's fire support. A small but powerful high-flying sensor drone, it's entire purpose is to provide a bird's eye tactical map of the battlefield for the ULANOVA's pilot. It operates in multiple spectrums over a large area of battlefield, and if it isn't a particularly focused piece of equipment it allows many of the other integrated systems to function effectively. (Sensory Add On, 2 pts.) • ICID “Bright Eye” – The Bright Eye Integrated Cognitive Interference Drive is Knight's new take on defeating stealth systems. With the wealth of information already relayed via the ULANOVA's integrated drives, rather than adding another the architects of the A.W.E. decided to utilize all of them at once. By filtering the combined data of all the ULANOVA's sensory information through a matrix of preloaded information, it searches for even the tiniest irregularities and attempts to match them to known stealth behavior. If, for instance, the Condor can visually locate a unit that does not show up on it's IR scanning, the Bright Eye system flags the anomaly's coordinates. If a high definition feed comes in from the ULANOVA's main visual suite that detects even slight anomalies in the airflow of a cloaked unit, the Bright Eye system analyzes and flags it to the best of it's ability. Though it is limited by its input, combined with the rest of the ULANOVA's combat metrics it is an impressive field control device. (Sensory Add On, 0 Pts w/ Knight bonus) HUD Add-Ons: • “Albatross” ASCU – The Albatross Accumulated Sensory Collation Unit is one of the newest items by Knight, an excellent innovation that essentially allows collated data from a team's input. By piggybacking onto the sensory input of the other systems involved in a battlefield, the Albatross “fills in the gaps” as it goes; additional information provided by other units is quickly added, formatted, and relayed to the Oracle targeting computer to provide optimum methods of targeting assistance. (HUD Add-On, 2 pts) • “Oracle” ITS – The Oracle Targeting System is perhaps the heart of the ULANOVA's performance. By analyzing movement and momentum patterns, cataloged responses and other variables, the Oracle facilitates the age old adage of shooting where they will be, not where they are. It takes into account advanced metrics such as distance to target, barriers between shell and target, ideal strike zones and optimum effect ordinance calculations. (HUD Add-On, 2 pts) Diagnostics: 20/23 Slots and Points Used 3 Total Energy Units High Shield Rating High Armour Rating High Weapon Rating [/hider]