Lirrah's mouth fell open when Gisela casually introduced this doll to her. Was it a spawn of Tabitha? Was it sentient or sapient? Magical? Was it dangerous? Parasitic? Lirrah had so many questions to the world's most barebones inquiry that she didn't know where to start. Oh, wait. She [i]did[/i]. [color=f49ac2]"Is it... s-safe?"[/color] Lirrah asked, eyeing the doll warily. She assumed it must have been vetted by the magician, or else it wouldn't be offered to her, but she would feel more at ease with a 'yes'. At least it looked cute, but so did Tabitha, and her experience with that woman was far less than pleasant. [color=f49ac2]"And... do you mind if I ask why we have it? Uh, her, I mean."[/color] Lirrah was inclined to believe that Anisette would be implanted in the Lions to spy on them, or detonate at a key moment, or mind control someone, or... But logically, if Tabitha wanted to accomplish any of that, she could probably do it regardless. She wouldn't have to send some suspicious doll along and risk everyone finding out her plan. Maybe it was the second part of her vague test. Maybe they'd be judged on how well they took care of her doll. Or maybe, because witches were truly incomprehensible creatures, she really would [i]just explode[/i]. But the more information Lirrah could get before agreeing to take care of her, the better. As Lirrah was working out all the things that could go wrong, Urden approached she and Cadmon. Lirrah was visibly unimpressed with the mercenary's joke (she was an [i]adult[/i], for Ila-Nem's sake), but when he brought out the coins, they were very much speaking the same language. Something she was [i]good[/i] at. Something she could feel useful in regards to. [i]Currency[/i]. She visibly lightened a bit, as if seeing an old friend after a family tragedy. Hope. Cold, hard hope. Lirrah inspected the coin. [color=f49ac2]"I don't know where it's from. I care more a[i]p[/i]out the value than geography, and I know that it's a [i]p[/i]it weaker than the Li[i]p[/i]ran. 0.83, from my last transaction. You'll notice that their gold coin is a [i]p[/i]it smaller than the gold li[i]p[/i]ran, indicative of a marginally poorer locale. I remem[i]p[/i]er... those that transacted with this currency had a taste for red-painted armor and [i]p[/i]raided hair. Easterners, I think, [i]p[/i]ut there is still much of the world I've yet to see."[/color] Lirrah sighed, wistfully imagining for a moment the places she would go when this was all over. She had to find a way to make her life last longer, so she could see all of it. The whole world... It would be hers to conquer, one day.