[center] [color=#66CDAA][b][h1]Kayliss Lambert[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] From her position shadowing the commander, Kayliss glanced over towards the trio of Urden, Cadmon, and Lirrah with mild curiosity as they found and discussed some coinage they'd found. Fortunately, they were close enough that she didn't have to try very hard to listen in on the conversation. Finally, a clue. At least the merchant knew her coin. Red armor and braided hair rang some sort of bell within her head, but Kayliss wasn't quite familiar enough with the subjects in question that she could remember off the top of her head. Best to see if either of the other two knew anything. While the others looked over the coinage, Kayliss ghosted behind them, not revealing her presence until she was just behind Cadmon. [color=#66CDAA][b]"Braided easterners? I don't suppose either of you would be more familiar with such? I believe I've seen such travelers in the capital before, but it's been years."[/b][/color] Kayliss said simply, entirely intent on alarming someone with her sudden appearance. Why? She had to get her entertainment somewhere, after all. [color=#66CDAA][b]"This gets us somewhere, at least. It shan't be too hard to track down a group so distinctive if they're still within our search radius. That griffin rider isn't back yet, so you've time yet to take this to the commander."[/b][/color] She advised briefly before turning and starting to head back over in that direction herself. [@Eisenhorn] [@Octo] [@The Otter]