Straightening himself Tirren looked at the circling Beowolves. From behind he could hear the sounds of his new found partner dispatching other Grimm, as of the moment it looked like he was on his own. He let his gaze drift over the ten circling monsters of Grimm, readying his rapier he waited patiently for them to strike. The air grew ripe with tension as he stood there, the growls of the Beowolves formed a wall of sound around him. Then three leaped at him all from different directions. Leaping upwards Tirren managed to avoid two of them, only to be hit in the legs by the third. He found himself knocked out of the air and onto his back. Rolling with the impact he came to his feet. Reaching for his grimoire he began to pull the metal cable from the book's spine. With a sufficient amount of the cable freed Tirren dashed forward. Sliding under the nearest Beowolf's side he jammed his rapier into its underbelly and let go. Pushing himself to his feet he stopped the slide and managed to loop the cable around another Beowolf's paw. With a jump back from the Grimm he gave a quick jerk on the cable pulling it taunt around the Beowolf's paw. As he went to pull the cable tighter he was bowled over by one of the other Beowolves. Knocked back the cable tightened around his gloved hand and in turn dug deep into the flesh of the ensnared Beowolf's paw. In a howl of pain from the Beowolf, its paw was severed and then there was a sickening sound of flesh being torn again as the rapier was yanked from the stomach of the other Grimm. Immediately the rapier began come back to Tirren’s hand as the cable whipped around and through his hand. He was able to grasp the weapon and hold it above as a Beowolf descended upon him. The blade of his weapon pierced the Beowolf's throat when it jumped. Falling under its weight Tirren managed to turn to land on top of it his sword now completely through the front and out the back of the Beowolf's neck. Yanking the blade free Tirren looked about, two of the Grimm were dead and one was missing an appendage. Rushing the disabled Beowolf Tirren tore its throat with a flash of his weapon as it tried to lumber back to the still circling others. Placing his feet firmly under him Tirren adjusted his stance yet again, it looked like they would be attacking in waves. As he shifted to look at the rest of the Beowolves he felt his left leg grow weak and unsteady. Glancing down he saw a red horizontal slash on the front of his leg, it appeared one of the Grimm had been able to split his flesh. Grimacing he stood his ground and looked at the scene, hoping his partner was almost done and would be able to assist him soon. Then from behind he heard a quiet voice asking if he needed a hand. In a moment of light heartedness Tirren answered his partner with, [b]"I hope you have more than one hand otherwise it might take more than I thought to handle this."[/b]