[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/k5wD2tM.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Nn68vAk.png[/img][hr][hr][color=gold]◈[/color] Day 1 [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Time:[/color] Morning to Evening [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Weather:[/color] Light Rain [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Location:[/color] Main Ballroom [color=gold]◈[/color] [color=7ea7d8]Participants:[/color] Anastasia Arslan [@Ti], Leah Eusebia Clearwater [@vietmyke] [hr][hr][/center] Anastasia found herself perched precariously on a rickety step-ladder in the grand ballroom. With determination, she continued the delicate task of draping the bunting across the expanse of the room, ensuring each flag fluttered proudly to represent the various islands within the realm. As she meticulously adorned the hall, memories of past balls flooded her mind, recalling the enchanting evenings that had unfolded within these very walls. The polished floors gleamed under her feet, reflecting the vibrant hues of the upcoming festivities. The transformation of the ballroom from a simple space to a magical haven was the result of the tireless efforts of the Student Council. However, a slight annoyance lingered as some members of the council conveniently neglected their responsibility to assist with the preparations. Their absence was keenly felt, but Anastasia found solace in the reliability and dependability of her fellow Illuminaire, Myrion. Ana's focus remained unwavering as she descended from the precarious ladder, surveying the ballroom with a critical eye. The elegant decorations adorned the walls, exuding a timeless charm. Delicate lace dollies graced the tables, complemented by opulent floral arrangements that filled the air with their sweet fragrance. Though the ballroom stood empty, it seemed to hold its breath in anticipation of the transformation that awaited. Anastasia's heart swelled with pride as she gazed upon their collective efforts, knowing that the forgetfulness of some council members would not diminish the magic of the evening. The dedication and hard work of those who rallied had turned the ballroom into a resplendent haven, ready to enchant all who stepped foot inside. [hr] Ana searched for her date, knocking on the door, but there was no answer. She wandered through the halls until she reached the gymnasium, where she found Leah engrossed in her workout. The blue haired girl practically lived there, so it wasn’t too difficult to find her. Even on a day like today, when the gymnasium was devoid of all life, as students prepared for the Moonlight Ball. Leah, for her part, had conveniently forgotten that the ball was today- all the preparation and strict bookkeeping in the world was ineffectual if one didn’t actually read what they wrote down in their planners after all. So lost in her own world, Leah didn’t even notice that the gymnasium was empty until she heard the echoing footsteps of her fiery haired date. Entering the room, Ana approached Leah, observing her with a gentle smile. She couldn't help but question Leah's chosen look for the evening. [colour=red]"Are you certain that's the look you want for the ball tonight?"[/colour] she asked, her tone laced with amusement. [color=73c8f2]”What’s wrong with how I look- wait, w-what?[/color] Shock crossed Leah’s face, a remarkably crisp planner flying across the room to park itself in front of her face, pages rapidly turning to the present day. Circled multiple times in multiple colors, and even labelled ‘do not forget!’ was the Moonlight Masquerade Ball. Moving closer, Ana placed her hands on Leah's muscular form, using her healing gift to massage the tense muscles and alleviate any build-up of lactic acid. Her fingertips glowed with a gentle warmth as she worked, kneading away stress. [colour=red]"We can't have you cramping during our dance tonight,"[/colour] Ana remarked softly. [color=73c8f2]”Ooh… right… that was today…”[/color] Leah managed to get out, her voice instantly rendered low and relaxed as she felt the gift working its literal magic. Letting out a soft sigh, Leah’s face grew nearly as red as Ana’s hair, [color=73c8f2]”You know I don’t like- I’m not good at… dancing…”[/color] [hr] The two girls retired to the room as they prepared for the evening, supporting each other with their elegant and exquisite dresses, Ana’s a [url=https://i.imgur.com/P7nqPGJ.png]fiery red[/url] and extravagant, Leah’s a [url=https://i.imgur.com/PzkTiFa.png]soft blue[/url], flowing like ocean waves. Annoying, hard to reach zippers and clasps were easily manipulated, and jewellery was easily donned, thanks in part to the Psyciccher’s telekinesis. [color=73c8f2]”Wow, this looks amazing!”[/color] Leah remarked happily, offering Ana a sheepish grin, [color=73c8f2]”Thank you for finding something for me so fast! I meant to- I just, well, I forgot.”[/color] Ana smiled warmly and said, [colour=red]"I had a feeling that blue might be your colour."[/colour] She gave a knowing wink as she straightened her up, transforming her into a true heir of Eusebia. The joke elicited a scoff and a pair of rolled eyes, but Ana wasn't wrong. Surprised with how well she cleaned up, Leah made a few half turns, absent-mindedly lifting and moving a full sized mirror around herself so she could check her angles. [colour=red]"There will be many important people attending tonight. Is there anyone in particular who has caught your eye?"[/colour] [color=73c8f2]”N-no!”[/color] Leah replied before quickly recovering herself, [color=73c8f2]”I mean, not really. I never really had time to think about dating or anything last year.”[/color] or the years before that, for that matter, but Leah didn't vocalize it. She didn't want to seem ungrateful for her opportunities- or possibly give Ana second thoughts about the amount of work she was about to receive. Ana finished adorning herself with her own adornments and gave a little twirl before Leah, proudly displaying her appearance as the blue haired girl clapped excitedly, moving the mirror in turn around Ana, so she too could make sure everything fit right. [colour=red]"This will be my first year attending as an Illuminaire. You never warned me about the amount of work involved,"[/colour] she said coyly, aware of Leah's frequent complaints about the workload. [colour=red]"Some of the new students seem fun. It's hard to believe it wasn't long ago when we enrolled here ourselves. Even Tessa has made a grand return."[/colour] [color=73c8f2]”A handful is what they seem like,"[/color] Leah retorted, for once seemingly relieved that the responsibility was no longer on her shoulders. [color=lightblue]”One of the 1st Years is a Psychiccer though! Oughta keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't get herself into trouble."[/color] [color=73c8f2]”Also, I still know where the grotto is.”[/color] Leah, reminded her with a light chuckle. [color=lightblue]”If the Illuminaire workload ever gets too much for you… you can pay me in massages."[/color] Ana's smile widened at the offer. [colour=red]"Don't tell me you're becoming addicted to my healing,"[/colour] she playfully teased, wagging her finger in a mock scolding gesture. [colour=red]"I might have to ration it for you. We wouldn't want you getting too reckless now, would we?"[/colour] Her tone carried a cheerful chiding, as she maintained a light-hearted demeanour. [colour=red]"But I appreciate the heads-up. It seems like there's quite a bit of work ahead of me."[/colour] Finally, setting the mirror down in front of the two of them, Leah grinned and nudged Ana with her elbow. [color=73c8f2]”You know, I think red might be your color after all.”[/color] the taller girl teased. [hr] [color=73c8f2]”I’m just saying, if you needed help, you could’ve just asked.”[/color] Leah remarked as the two strode into the ballroom, arms casually linked. The edges of Leah’s dress seemed to ebb and flow gently against the shined floors, an easy enough effect to create with her gift. [color=73c8f2]”You know, move stuff with my mind- wait, you weren’t using those crappy stepladders, were you?”[/color] Ana's smile remained as she responded to the comment, [colour=red]"Well, at least we're improving our balance skills while we're at it,"[/colour] she said playfully, giving a slight wiggle of her hips to emphasize her point. [color=73c8f2]”I-I have balance!”[/color] Leah protested indignantly, her lips pushing out as she pouted a bit, [color=73c8f2]”Usually…”[/color] Despite how early it was, people were already beginning to filter into the ballroom, a decent crowd for the time. Small clumps of students began to grow into larger crowds, the general din growing into something of a dull roar as more and more students filtered in. Scanning the crowd, Leah very quickly picked up a pair of familiar figures. Lisa, despite her dress, was easy to pick out, as was the pale head of hair that was Lhoren’s. Conversely, it wasn’t difficult to spot more than a few sets of eyes on the two of them as they stood by the entrance. [color=73c8f2]”I think I see some familiar faces over there,”[/color] Leah grinned, [color=73c8f2]”Maybe we find some safety in numbers before our fans start crowding us.”[/color] [hr][hr]