[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Prwowxt.png[/img][/center] [color=3eb489]Event:[/color] Mandelein Castle [hr] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/2upuBiEiXDk[/youtube][/center] [color=dimgray][indent] A layer of fog glazed over her eyes making things hard to make out, a tug at her arm was met by the burn of prickly rope fastened tight around her limbs. The immediate sense of bondage had snapped her out of her preliminary haze, unluckily for them, her trappers didn’t realize a Nikanese shadow’s first lesson was escape. Gracefully regaling her composure, she massaged her wrist and cracking her stiff neck. The blood flowed seamlessly in her body, the magic in her body pushing at her skin like an overzealous stream looking to crack through a stifling dam. Her senses were so crisp she could feel the forces swell in her, yet the sensitivity made her too vulnerable to the heat and noise shuffling around her. There was no reprieve upon opening the doors to reveal a swarm of wildbloods. Ymiico looked at the moon and smiled, centering her internal magics. She wasted no time attacking the creatures that blocked her path. Quick on the attack, a series of throwing stars found themselves being hurled out, sinking into the flesh of the first wild blood as it howled in pain. It did damage to the now bloody beast, but it still stood. Her hands glowed under the moonlight releasing a massive burst of fire that she was seemingly exhaling from her mouth. The fireball was hints of flickering red and orange, scorching and charring the air and debris around them before engulfing the wild blood whole. Despite managing to take down one, the other wasted no time to leap onto the yasoi while she battled. Ymiico was quick, even quicker with the many moons at her back, she was achieving impossible range with her acrobatics, making narrow dodges seem like child’s play to anyone watching. Twisting and contorting her body she slithered next to one of the wild bloods, bathing her hand in kinetic magics, and thrusting forward in a lighting fast job that fractured and splintered the bones within their body. The body crumpled like a stack of leaves, leaving her an opportunity to extinguish the flames from this once villagers eyes. Ymiico retrieved small vials of liquid she charged with chemical energies to turn corrosive, into the mouth of the wild blood and watched as they melted the inside, out. With just one left and no time to spare dawdling, Ymiico fled past the last remaining wild blood with not much chase from the sole survivor. Surveying her options, Ymiico ducked into an alley hoping to lose the attention of the wild bloods around her. Much to her dismay, two child-wolves greeted her with tenacity. Normally Ymiico would have hesitated to engage with adolescents, much less children in any sort of violence, but these souls had been already lost and were vastly more dangerous and dexterous than those waiting for outside the alley. One child lept at the Nikanese ninja without much thought, a small static schism occurred, teleporting Ymiico a few feet behind the leaping child wolf. Her twin blades allowed her to venture temporally forward a few seconds. The child wolf confused would feel no more confusion after their head saw the rest of their body detached adjacent to them. The second child wolf now humbled was much harder to pin down and destroy. Between a flurry of attacks and gymnastic prowess only a child could achieve, they danced around each other like wild shadows. Ymiico tried and tried to stun the child, feeling the presence of more wolves on her heels, but could not seem to connect any significant blows. Annoyed she finally separated into clones, cloaking her own movements from the small child. Eventually their game of tag ended with Ymiico bouncing the child’s skull off the brick faced wall she refused to get off of. She pushes deeper into town, she nears an exit, however ... A massive beast of a man utilizing magnetic magic to weld various tools together to make a hammer takes notice of her. It howls a bloodcurdling scream. With the horde behind it, there's no way she can take it on in a fair fight. She needs to reposition. With little to no time she settles on the bathhouse, The bathhouse is nothing like what she'd find in Nikan. There are no hot springs or gender secluded rooms. No, it is a relic of a more prosperous time of Mandelein but the practice never truly died out. Theraputic mud baths were common in the swampy regions to treat certain ailments, and business continued despite rough times. Inside, she is greeted by a beast covered in flames and filled with rage, and a wolf wielding a sickle. The latter shot her a malicious gaze that lacked the feral rage most others did. Ymiico grimaces and clutches her hands even tighter than before, the outcome of this was looking bleak. No time to wait, she immediately engaged, using the mud in the boathouse as a medium. Pumping kinetic and chemical magics into the mud she created spikes of semi hardened mud to both penetrate and extinguish the fiery wolf. The attack succeeded until the smarter of the two intervened and took the brunt of the damage onto himself. The lightning crackled and made quick work of the earth as it was its direct counter. The roof behind her collapses. The hammer has cleaned obliterated the front of the bathhouse. Leonhardt was close. Despite being amped up on her moons, Ymiico did not have the time to face these two menaces with the hammer being so close to her. The lightning wolf was proving to be too much for her as well as the fiery one who was able to attack directly after she attacked. Causing her to suffer some cleaving damage between the two of them. Thinking quick, she retrieved small metallic beads from her pouch and covered her ears and eyes before throwing them down. They exploded into a flash bang, leaving the hypersensitive wolves to be stunned by the flash. Ymiico bolts for the back door, the flashbang catching the wolves off-guard. Before they can come to, an indiscriminate hammer swings their way and sends both flying. The constable was still on her tail. This wasn't good, one exit was a no-go, so North it was. Having done her time on the ground she decided a change of scenery might benefit her. Ymiico took to the high ground, where many other wildbloods have started to roam. As she dashes toward the centre of town, she is intercepted by a group of four normal wolves. The big wolf starts to destroy the foundations of the buildings behind her. With little to no effort she swirled flame into her hand via the spinning of a shuriken in her palm and obliterated one of the wolves in front of her on the roof. The flame tool swung its continuous momentum into a second wolf but did not have enough energy to topple the second beast. With her wits about her and her temporal blades she reacted to each of the onslaughts of attacks casted against her. Managing to survive unscathed she was faced with yet another wolf jumping into the fray. Again, she attacks throwing every ninja art she could think of in her repertoire to push through to the other side. The new wolf and the old wolf crumble after being disemboweled. There was no time to think, she remained vigilant on pressing on. Ymiico manages to find an opening and ninja-sprints her way to freedom. Before her is the Plaza. The fountain isn't working, and it is desolate, barring the many beasts gawking at her in the darkness. A twisted and high-pitched echo hits her and all the beasts, causing them to screech. The massive Leonhardt suddenly lands onto said fountain, utterly destroying it. He stares down the powered up Yasoi and challenges her with a mighty roar. Bloodied and battered the Yasoi roars back in the face of Leonhardt. Ymiico flies into combat landing a normally devastating blow to his head. His body is unmoved, he adjusts his head slightly. Stringing attacks between defense was her best bet, but she quickly exhausted how much magic and dodging she could do, leaving her to cleanse in the fight to reset her abilities. His hammer lights up the sky and begins to charge, ymiico didn’t know what, but would not wait around to see. Compiling her strength she breaks the threshold, forcing him to bring down his hammer. Unsafe to the next few blows he would take despite not being able to use his hammer. Again, he lifted the hammer and again she defies him, the previous rotation of attacks and dodges perpetuate once more before the hammer goes up thrice. Knowing she would do no damage to this beast she runs past and stuns him as she did the two wolves in the bathhouse. Ymiico begins to see a clear passage leading further North. Less wolf density. It leads somewhere familiar. The castle! Feeling light headed and blood drying on her face and hands she pauses to use her binding magic to heal herself enough to her full health. With a deep breathe she focuses herself once more before getting to the finale. The town exit was right before her. Many still pursued her, but they had become background noise to the powerhouse that was Ymiico. The fodder was no threat, and the hammer beast had taken interest in the Church where her peers fought for survival. Perhaps she would have wished to help, but that place was SWARMING with these monsters. She had no chance to join them. As she walked the main path leading to the castle with most of her stalkers backing off for whatever reason, she'd suddenly felt literal tension in the air. And then, once again, a high-pitched sound. The unpleasant sound wasn't as strong, and she could feel by its intensity that it was coming from the Castle. What was strong, however, was the Thunder Wolf that crashed right in her path in a merciless bolt of lightning, steaming with excess heat. It twitched and its fur constantly hovered and erected in unnatural ways. It stared down Ymiico, keen on mauling her just like its brethren had tried to do. Ymiico unsure of how to insulate this electric demon, relied on pure strength knowing that fire and anything else she had in her arsenal would do little in the way of damage. Her first attack was a wallop of one that was subsequently met with a zap that pinched her nerves and made her system scream. Attack after attack she landed or missed did not matter, she was continually punished for touching the wild bloods flesh with a shock of electricity. The wolf itself had a plan of its own, the polarity of the lightning he was attacking her with felt different. She could only tell due to how heightened her sense were, otherwise she would not be privy to his strategy. Ymiico had been hit with a positive and negative charge and had taken some heavy damage. Not wanting to be victim to another round of charges she coalesced the remaining power she had into a massive ball of kinetic magic in her hand that swirled violently in her hand in a perfectly contained orb. Running towards the wolf and the wolf towards her, she thrusted the enigmatic sphere into the chest of the wolf which exploded into double the size it had been, engulfing the wolf and exploding outwards toward the castle. The wolf had been reduced to dust and the landscape behind it completely tarnished. [/indent][/color]