[i]Ablaze[/i]'s teeth locked together, clicking and straining in their gums as Quinn tried to throw the huge Modir off. But it was just that: huge. This was a bit of a blind spot in her training, admittely. She'd fought Roaki and Dahlia, mostly; oh, there were sims, of course, but sims only went so far in preparing you for the real thing. She was wholly unused to fighting someone who was just...much [i]bigger.[/i] Not taller, because [i]Dragon[/i] was taller; but heavier, bulkier. [i]Massive.[/i] And though she hissed and spat and strained and clawed, she couldn't get the damn thing off of her. It was too close for her to shoot. Although...hm. [color=black]Quinnlash[/color]'s numbing aid was already straining; Quinn could feel it in the uncomfortable heat where she'd been charred, had little craters dug out of her flesh. What she was about to do may or may not strain it to snapping, which would be...unpleasant, extremely so. But she couldn't just sit here and let it tear her up. She needed to do [i]something.[/i] So she wrapped her claws around the grip of her cannon, and aimed [i]down,[/i] towards her feet. [i][color=ffe63d]Here's hoping.[/color][/i] [i]Pop. pop. pop.[/i] Three cannon shots rang out over the field. The first shifted her back. The second rattled the Modir's grip. They soared afar, in the same [i]direction[/i] as the new Modir, but nowhere near them. The third was what she needed. The force of the kick finally did its work, and though a claw tore a long shallow furrow down her side as she went, she slid out from under the Modir like she'd been greased, skidding hundreds of feet on her back before she popped back up. She could feel the static starting to well. It wouldn't be long now. Just a minute, two minutes more. She popped another shot off, this time straight at the center mass of the rocket Modir. Minutes always felt so long.