[b][h2][color=889194]Captain Argus Fellborn[/color][/h2][/b] So Alavaris still stood, albeit overrun. Argus never cared for spending much time in the city during his time as a vampire, but in the current situation, it would make a good place to regroup, resupply, and perhaps search for the blade that Cynthia desired. With the blood gathered by the gorebats, he should have plenty of sustenance to fuel any efforts to fight back against the monsters that have overrun the city. Unfortunately, it would be easier said than done, and there was still the much more imminent concern of the surviving villagers. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Gilles had a point- it could be difficult for just the two vampires to escort the entire band of human survivors to Alavaris safely. And that was assuming that they could be convinced to comply, because even after everything that had happened, they may find the familiarity of these dark woods to be less discomforting than the walls of the once-great vampire city. For now, Argus saw no harm with accepting the village leader's hospitality. There were some things that he needed to sit down and take care of, such as penning new articles of piracy, and this would be a good time to do it. There was, however, one other matter that needed to be addressed. [color=889194]"I would be grateful for your hospitality, Mister Gilles,"[/color] Argus said, bowing, [color=889194]"But there is a dire matter to discuss- what will you do with your dead? There is grisly necromancy afoot, and you do not to risk your dead getting back up."[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99]