[center][b]ANCIENT EGYPT- ONE HUNDRED YEARS BEFORE ITS UNIFICATION:[/b] [i]Ra, the god of the sun, the bringer of dawn, the staver of darkness, the god above all. This was the Egyptian's chief god. All below the very heavens were believed to be his kingdom. The only thing they were right about was that he was above them all.[/i][/center] A lone sand dune stood above the vast desert, a single place where a man stood seeming to cast a view upon the village at large. The cool wind carried sand, dust, and debris at high speeds as it followed the curve of the dune, directly towards the man. Even with this seemingly overwhelming force, the man stood eerily still, the wind seemed to almost stop the moment it touched him, the wind split and shifted away as anything that touched the man seemed to fade away the moment it made contact. These materials began to form and shift covering the man in a dark armor that shone and shimmered. The man's hand began to shift across his body and the armor began to become more defined. [center] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1128969129093771395/1128969145799680020/74f6f31f893f721dbdcaf73576c87a82.png[/img][/center] The man continued to watch, waiting for something, as he watched the village below multiple individuals come from behind him and began to speak. Many different things, yet the man did not listen, he watched. A pulse of energy rang out followed by a pillar of blue light punching into the vast sky, filling it with nothingness. In this moment, a low tone seemed to almost resonate with the energy, this low yet overwhelming voice seemed to come from the man's direction. Energy began to form around the man, as he began to raise his arms beginning to form symbols. The distance between the group that formed around the man and the village he was once watching seemed to only grow as one stares. The distance between the group and the village extends further and further as vast nothingness covered the distance. [center][color=gold]Gon, Un mals mals graph un ur, Gisg med, Na med tal graph fam gon veh veh drux graph fam fam Gon, Un mals mals graph un ur, Gisg med, Drux med fam gisg un ur ged gon un Or un don, Or un don, Un gon un gon, Tal un drux gon, Tal gon ur graph fam, Un gon un gon, Med nah, Mals ur un veh graph, Gisg na un gisg, Graph pal gon fam gisg fam, Pa graph gon med drux gal, Tal gon, Don graph un veh na Gon gon gisg na, Gisg na graph fam graph, Or graph graph ur gon drux ged fam, Pa don gon gal ged graph, Gisg na gon fam, Van un fam gisg, Gal gon fam gisg un drux veh graph, Gon gon gisg na, Gisg na gon fam, Nah graph pal, Gon un don mals, Gisg na graph, Gal gon fam gisg un drux gisg, Gon med don ur gal, Gisg graph ur graph mals med don gisg [hider=translation] "I appeal to homesickness," "I appeal to nostalgia," "Far far away, many miles away," "Oh place that exists beyond my reach," "With these feelings, Bridge this vast distance," "With this hex, warp the distant world," "Teleport" [/hider][/color][/center] This entire time, energy began to gather around the group of young mages. A bubble of brilliant white light began to engulf the group with the rising of power, and in that last utterance, a single beam of light shot forward. Extending into the now vast void like an arrow, this beam of light covered the great distance made by a void of nothingness. Covering what seems to be eons of nothingness from the outside, the moment the beam touched the distant picture of the village, the brilliant light exploded, and the group vanished from the sand dune. [b]CURRENT DAY, PHOENIX ARIZONA:[/b] The smell of old paper and perfumed air fresheners hang in the air. The quiet shuffling of people, papers, and the solid thumps of books landing upon desks. It was a normal day within the library, Adrith Carter has lived in this monotony, and he was content. The smell of the hot summer desert snuck into the library every couple minutes when someone entered or exited the building. For Adrith, this was nostalgia, it was until a smell got to his nose that changed his entire demenor. His leg began to cramp as he turned towards his desk that faced the door most had to enter to enter the library. 3 individuals began to enter the building, Adrith knew them from scent alone, each of them were ones he knew well enough. Adrith kept cool, as the individuals entered they began to make their way to the front desk. The one leading the group was a man who stood well above most men, built like a brick, and looked like he could crush one too. The man's eyes landed onto Adrith as a dead-set staring contest began. The two looked to each other as if waiting for the other to make the first move. The air was tense, as for those who could sense the energy, a class of auras began. A low level clash, as neither budged until Adrith's demenor changed, [color=gold]"What can I help you with?"[/color]. The man across from Adrith looked astonished, caught off guard as he noticed to his ight an older woman making her way over. [color=goldenrod]"Where's the books on the war of 1812?"[/color] The talk became cordial for a moment as both men let the other pass while who seemed to be the director of the university made their over to the desk. The woman then dropped a stack of papers in front of Adrith before she said, [color=red]"I need these papers faxed to your director"[/color]. Adrith gave a light nod as he said, [color=gold]"Of course ma'am"[/color]. While Adrith stood up, he took the stack of papers while the director turned to begin talking to the other man in a much more happier and delighted fashion. To Adrith it made sense, among the 2 other them, it was night and day. He shook his head as he took a step away towards the printer, yet the moment he tried to press the button to power it on, the button wouldn't budge. Adrith became confused until he realized, the world was quiet, Adrith turned to see all the people talking seems to be frozen, [color=gold]"What in the good lord?"[/color] Before Adrith was given a chance to investigate, he heard the sound of the printer break the silence. He was startled as he nearly jumped out of his own skin turning towards it. Seeing something is being printed out, a manila-colored envelope was being printed, with words being addressed directly towards him. Adrith lightly plucked the letter from the printer before inspecting it, he was confused, yet he took a deep breath, and then opened the letter, to see it says: Dear Adrith Carter, Congratulations you have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality, only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment. Your Homeroom Teacher, Ms. Monik Maglon When he finished reading, Adrith began to hear waves crashing. The world around him washed away in the roar of waves, something that made Adrith's skin crawl. Something deep in his bones screamed out as he began to see dark waves began to crash away the world around him. Yet in this fearful moment, the glow of celestial objects lit a way to safety. A staircase made of solid and clean stone lead up to a hill, these held above it all, 2 celestial bodies, a sun of gold and one of blue. As Adrith began to climb the stairs, he felt the waves wash away, leading to the brilliant land, and more, to those who began to appear just like him. Adrith began to look around, many different colors, sounds, and smells assaulted Adrith. Yet for him it was fine, he was used to sensory changes, heightening them, dulling them, it was something he did with ease. Yet there was something strange, a pulse of energy seemed to almost wash over him. When that happened the world changed, everything became heightened in color then no color, he could hear nothing then everything, he could even 'smell' the energy around him. The chemical reactions being preformed by every living thing. Adrith nearly threw up from this sensory over load, yet as quickly as this overwhelming sense and energy came, it left. His body returned to normal as he let a sigh out, having experienced such an overwhelming energy was new for Adrith. It felt as if he had lost control of his power, it was something he knew 'was' a thing, but having one's energy be overwhelmed was not something Adrith thought he would experience. More over, he never knew that it could make one's power become enhanced, maybe it was the ambient energy. It was just another thing for Adrith to figure out, in his new life with these new student's around him. All of which began to make their way to the school upon the hill.