[center][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/KHoDdh4HTv9AuzMupk/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952k1y3pykq1qjgka0waag1ups1injjrb3wy29er93s&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [hr] [youtube]https://youtu.be/izHS_zYGxDQ[/youtube][/center] [INDENT][INDENT]Hera’s back had been against the door for… actually she didn’t know how long exactly. If she would’ve looked at her phone she would’ve known it had been a few hours. Two to be precise. The screams in the hallways outside had rattled what generally was a pretty unshakeable perfect student. The worst part was she hadn’t heard any screaming for some time now but she was too afraid to unlock the door and take a look in the hallways that eventually she and the other students who found themselves in the room would have to venture to find food and supplies. [color=FF2B2A]Why hadn’t the CDC solved this crisis by now?[/color] There’s a pause in her brain, as if she asked herself a question so stupid it needed some time to process it. Fair enough. She may have still been a teenager but even she knew that the CDC wasn’t prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Who could? And it was all probably worse outside. They had been within the halls of their comfy, private school for two weeks. They were effectively contained and the rot had still gotten inside the school after fourteen days of nothing happening inside the school. If it was that bad in a contained environment, how bad was it in an uncontained, open one? She shuddered at the thought. [color=FF2B2A]Can’t think like that. Won’t think like that.[/color] If she allowed her to think like that her thoughts would move to her mom and how she was dead or worse. The likelihood of someone working in the medical industry at a time like this. It was logical. It was heart-wrenching. It was something to avoid thinking about. In the room with her were five other students. No teachers. A helpful adult who didn’t throw you in front of zombie freshmen was probably ideal in a situation like this, but they didn’t have that. Just a bunch of seniors and juniors. She recognized some. Quinn. Shinny. Aaron. The two others, well, she didn’t not recognize them but she couldn’t exactly put names to faces. Of the three she knew only one of them she could ever imagine as a friend, though they weren’t exactly besties. Similar circles and lanes. With Quinn, well, there was cheerleading. Aaron was a superstar. Probably was going to make the NBA with his trajectory. She supposed that wasn’t exactly in the cards anymore. To be fair, that went for everyone in the world. Dreams were done and now they were probably stuck in a world two sneezes away from an episode of The Last of Us. [color=FF2B2A]“It’s quiet.”[/color] She finally managed, even if it was a captain obvious sort of observation. [color=FF2B2A]“Not sure if that’s worse or better.”[/color] She took a heavy breath, as her hands gripped the blazer of her school uniform. Her eyes looking over to the whiteboard for a few seconds. ‘Mr. Potter’ it read. She frowned, wondering where he could be. He was one of her favorite teachers. She hoped he wasn’t dead. She hoped he wasn’t undead. [/INDENT][/INDENT]