Nova Bramble looked up from her phone. How exciting, she thought, to be stuck at home on summer vacation in an absolute downpour with almost nothing to do. Sighing, she got up and took a shower. Fifteen minutes later, she was finished and refreshed, dressed in her signature T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. She was bored, and her 7-Eleven job obviously couldn't be accessed due to the pouring rain and the fact that she was too lazy to get a driver's license. She was busy deciding what to do, as her old friends (people she knew, not other role-players!) were busy doing who knows what in Florida or something, and not so many people she knew were in town, so she was temporarily stuck. In the meantime, she made some PB&J with chocolate milk, a perfect snack for the occasion. As she drank, she thought about the mysterious old shopping mall that had caused her to leave her old home at 7 years old. On random occasions, she would go exploring there, and when she was near the underground maintenance shed, she swore she heard screams. She had found her adventure. Unfortunately, it was still pouring, so she decided to act when the rain cleared up. Nova was ecstatic, knowing now that there might be something worthwhile at that wretched mall after all. She knew that there might be nothing there, so she packed nothing for now. She left no note for her parents, because they were on vacation for the summer and then went to her room. She proceeded to lie on the bed, open her laptop, and browse until she fell asleep.