[hider=Eiralda Fjallborinn] Legion: The Chosen of Asaheim Homeworld: Fenris [quote]A planet of fire and ice, Fenris orbits its sun once every 3-4 Terran years. During the summer months volcanoes erupt, burning great areas with lava flows and churning the seas, spreading great floods and tidal waves. As the planet enters its long winter, the temperature drops so far that most of it actually ices over, giving the planet the appearance of a snowball from orbit. Apart from a single area of the planet that is permanently land-locked, Fenris is a world of shifting geography and mostly oceans. Numerous asteroid strikes, mutable coastlines and even swiftly risen or sunk island masses have resulted in the population becoming one of largely nomadic barbarian tribes. The tribes constantly seek secure territory, and as a result skirmishes and feuds over land between rival tribes are common. The people are hardened to the changes in temperature and extremes, and so is the fauna. The only continent that remains constant is Asaheim. The central sea of Fenris is the Savage Sea or Worldsea, home to most of the planet's wildlife, most of which are vicious sea creatures. Nonetheless the sea provides most of the planet's inhabitants with their food.[/quote] The people of Fenris fall into four groups, with three being notably larger than the fourth. The largest static populations of the land are on Asaheim, known as Lowlanders due to inhabiting the only permanently habitable valleys of Fenris' one stable continent. They have traditionally been seen as weaker by the other more nomadic populations, a generally unfair assessment as while the climate is more stable, this also draws greater predators to the same regions. As Eiralda's actions across Fenris come to fruition, the Lowlanders will hold increasing sway over Fenris, blessed as they are by more regular interactions with the Mountain-Born. Most of the rest of the population of Fenris falls into two nomadic groups, the Glacial Nomads and the Islanders. These two groups both live on the vast changing expanse of the Worldsea, although their means of surviving it vary greatly. Glacial Nomads follow the great shifting plains of ice across the world, Summering in Asaheim when the rest of the World is too unstable due to the rising heat. The Islanders, instead, roam from volcanic island to volcanic island on Dragonships. Both must deal with the ever-present danger of both hostile wildlife and the environment. The final, and smallest group, of the human population, are the Iron Islanders, a more technologically advanced society that dwells on the island chain of the same name, a set of islands that has proven as permanent, if far smaller, than Asaheim. There is a further culture upon, or in this case, within, Fenris. Beneath the mountains, living among the abandoned shelters of Fenris first colonisation, are the Nightgangers, a sub-human mutant species in thrall to foul gods. Psyker Gradient: Gamma (see hider below) Skills/Abilities: [list] [*]A Warrior Born: Like all her siblings, Eiralda has a great capacity and ability for combat, although this ability has been honed even more greatly by the conditions of Fenris. To live on Fenris is to hunt or die, and there are beasts to challenge even a scion of the Emperor across the valleys of Asaheim or the ever-changing seas of the rest of the planet. [*]Soul-Scryer: Eiralda is a being of great supernatural empathy, the most common manifestation of the psychic gifts present in her portion of the Emperor's being. With some deliberate focus, she can skein the thoughts of others, but more passively she can generally 'feel' the emotions of beings around her. She has been known to have visions of the past of others when meeting them, although this is unbidden. The exact veracity of all aspects of this ability can at times be questioned. [*]War Shout: Taught to her by the Stormspeakers of Fenris, Eiralda is able to channel a combination of her physical might and psychic power into a disruptive warcry of force, one that can not only physically stun opponents, but also disrupts the energies of the Warp while doing so. [/list] Appearance: It is meant to be that all scions of the Emperor have an overworldly charisma, often possessing features which are at once fair and terrifying to mortal humans. It is not hard to understand why many might consider them divine, falling from the heavens to walk among mortals so clearly their lesser. Eiralda is all this and more, a stunning figure carved from the myths and legends of her homeworld. Her features are pristine to a manner that can unnerve as much as it can enrapture, rarely doing just one. Her hair is a golden blonde, traditionally worn in a great braid signifying her mastery of her people and homeworld, writ through with decorative bands. Her skin, pale as most Fenrisians, is often decorated with markings, but they rarely last long, returning as surely as the landscapes of her homeland to pristine snow. Beauty belies the truth of strength, for any born of Fenris, let alone a scion of the Emperor. While perhaps it may be less obvious than some of her siblings, this power is still clear [hider=Inspiration] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FlYrOf0WAAALA5t?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=SPOILER ALERT] Having been cast into the warp tainted sub-realm of the Underverse as a child, Eiralda did not return to the material realm without cost. Caught between arguing gods, her psyche, perhaps even her soul itself, has fragmented. Her seemingly weaker psychic presence is a lie, hidden from even the most observant eyes, perhaps even the Emperor himself. Within Eiralda, is the murderous personality known as Revanant, a being of violent psycopathy and paranoia. Even latent, this destructive personality speaks to Eiralda, cautioning her from trust, all in the name of protecting her. Eiralda can, however, willingly (and in some cases unwillingly) allow Revanant to surface. Revanant is an alpha-level psychic being, capable of manipulating reality itself and moving within the shadows. As with all beings of the Underverse, Revanant craves the consumption of both human flesh and soul matter, a hunger which Eiralda has little control over once she has succumbed, no matter how true her care for humanity may be. The 'pair' have a complicated relationship, both loathing and loving each other, as any tempestuous sisters might. It just so happens they share a body. [/hider] [hider=The Chosen of Asaheim] Legion Name: The Chosen of Asaheim / The Purifiers Associated Primach: Eiralda Fjallborinn Concept: The Purifiers are one of the last legions to form during the Unification, drawn largely from the populations 'liberated' from the Maullan Sen Confederacy. Drawn from this savage stock, the Purifiers are a lesson in the righteousness of their master's cause, purged of the warp-taint of the region and trained as ardent, if violent, believers in the Imperial Turth. The Purifiers specializes in rooting out rebellion, particularly the tainted variety of wyrds and mutants that is so counter to the Emperor of Mankind. Despite their fervour, they are little trusted by their fellow astartes, so well known is the taint the Maullan Sen brought to Nordyc. Following the discovery of Eiralda, the Purifiers will heavily adopt the cultural trappings of Fenris, taking the name the Chosen of Asaheim from the society Eiralda has forged on the death world. The empathetic senses they have inherited from their primarch are turned from activities more befitting secret police to conquerors that are just as likely to achieve victory through word as they are through boltgun. The Chosen are most ideally deployed into situations where greater portions of a world's population and industry are to be preserved, and the brutal wholesale tactics of other legions may be too destructive. Hidden from prying eyes, however, a secretive element within the legion, the psychically able Ravenspeakers, quasi-exiles from the rest of the Legion, often remain behind on worlds the Chosen have conquered. They work in the shadows, rooting out dissent. While their work may be secret, their results are not, and many would-be-rebels are found murdered in a brutal manner before the nascent revolutions could come to fruition. [hider=Chosen Scheme] [img]https://i.imgur.com/69EYGYV.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=1st Company] [img]https://i.imgur.com/J0zxrj5.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider]