[CENTER][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070792705547980842/1116338227759038535/Calliope3.png[/img][/CENTER][center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1070792705547980842/1116797485323665448/Harlowe_Lynx.png[/img][/center][indent][sub][COLOR=F796A9][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Outside of the Academic Quadrangle - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=D3E498][b]First Class #2.85[/b][/COLOR] [I]Great Minds Think Alike[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=F796A9][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Respective Team Members[/i][/sub][/indent] [color=darkgray]Calliope was in a haze. Her mind was still reeling from her talk with Banjo and Elle. Hyperion intended to come back. It was likely the faculty knew or had an idea. The secrecy made sense, even if she was against it. No need to panic the entire student populace given the attack was still pretty recent. Still, she hated walking around knowing it and not telling the others. She bumbled her way through her Community Placement. She had been assisting one of the professors but managed to almost ruin some papers he had in her absentmindedness. She managed to collect it and get the work done, but she could tell the professor was upset with her. She would likely not be placed with him if she did this again. Now her mind wandered as she walked across a calming sitting area outside the Academic Quadrangle. Calliope hadn't noticed someone in front of her until she collided and fell. Harlowe, to her credit, was also deep in thought with her ear pods in. She hadn't gotten a tour of the school when she had first arrived and as trusted into events. Now she was even more lost. She was supposed to go to her community placement, but she had taken a wrong turn somewhere. Where was the mess hall? Surely that was close to the academic buildings? Harlowe stopped and, as she looked up, saw a blur of blonde before she was knocked into. Calliope rubbed her forehead and saw who she ran into. She recognized the girl from the opening ceremony, though she had never spoken to her. And now her first interaction was colliding into her. [color=F796A9]"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I was so lost in thought. Let me help you up!"[/color] Calliope quickly stood up, offering a hand to Harlowe, who took it and got up. Harlowe brushed herself off, [color=D3E498]"It's fine. Nothing broken. Though..."[/color] Harlowe reached up to her ear and felt nothing, [color=D3E498]"Looks like one of my ear pods fell out."[/color] Harlowe looked down. Calliope, embarrassment running up her neck to her cheeks, also looked. Calliope scooped down and picked up the pod and handed it to Harlowe. Harlowe took it and took her remaining one out before putting them away. [color=D3E498]"Thanks. And don't worry about it. This campus is so big it's easy to get distracted."[/color] Harlowe also figured recent events were weighing on Calli's mind. [color=F796A9]"Yeah, I still don't know where most things are. I only just got settled in my dorm."[/color] [color=D3E498]"Same. What house did you pick?"[/color] [color=F796A9]"House Ursus. Made the most sense in the moment. You?"[/color] [color=D3E498]"House Lynx. I think I was also offered Ursus. Could have been in the same dorm. I don't get this house stuff anyway. Is it for sports, like team pride? Or just another way to separate those of us already separate from society?"[/color] Calliope chuckled, more for awkwardness than actual mirth, [color=F796A9]"I think the latter, probably. Though I believe I heard about some sport thing here. Not my wheelhouse so I plan on giving it a wide berth. Oh, sorry, my name's Calliope. I've seen you around but never introduced myself."[/color] Calli offered a hand. Harlowe took it and shook. [color=D3E498]"Harlowe Dupointe. Makes sense though. You're team Blackjack. I'm Firebird. Not like we'd get much interaction, especially in different houses."[/color] Harlowe wanted to bring up what happened at the campsite, but felt it was too much. Calli, good at reading people, sensed Harlowe was eager to ask. There were few things the girl would be interested in. Calli hadn't mentioned her last name for fear that Harlowe would pin her to her father and instantly hate her. [color=F796A9]"I'm doing fine. I'm sure my team is also, though the loss is still fresh. I didn't know Cass too well, though I think I was the one who interacted with him the most. Still, seeing someone die in front of you is no picnic. And Banjo got hurt..."[/color] Harlowe remembered the other guy being tossed like a ragdoll. That must be Banjo. [color=D3E498]"How is he?"[/color] [color=F796A9]"He's doing better. I just saw him a bit ago. The healers should be working on him and he can return to class. Which, I believe, is starting soon."[/color] Harlowe cursed inwardly. She was messing things up. [color=D3E498]"I don't suppose you know where the mess hall is? That's my community placement and I wanted to go and get checked in with them before class.[/color] [color=F796A9]"Oh that's right outside this building. Head out the front and make a left. Should be the first building you see."[/color] Harlowe grinned, [color=D3E498]"Thanks Calliope. Maybe I'll see you around?"[/color] Calli nodded. [color=F796A9]"I am sure you will. Also, call me Calli."[/color] Harlowe nodded in return and, with a wave, walked over to the entrance. She glanced back and noticed Calliope was still facing the direction she was walking toward. The girl was clearly thinking through things. If Harlowe had a guess, it was due to the drama that seemed to surround Blackjack. She liked Calli. Hopefully, the girl was okay. Calli clenched her fist and unclenched. She counted to 50 before she walked forward. She had to make her way to class. [hr] Harlowe arrived first, checking in with one of the mess hall workers. After settling up, she went to her team faculty representative, Miranda. Calli followed shortly after. Calli glanced at Haleigh and gave the girl a wave, happy to see a friendly face. She was excited for her first class since it was right in her main interest at the academy.[/color]