[h2][color=af9d80][b]Roger Falkner[/b][/color][/h2] The strange camp wasn't anything quite like Roger had seen before. He couldn't make out their words from this far away, but it sounded foreign. They definitely weren't Ithillane, although they [i]were[/i] quite close to the border. Where had they come from, and how had they entered Velt? He hadn't spotted any prisoners, though, perhaps they were stashed away in those strange red tents. Roger was tempted to fly lower to get a better look, but he couldn't afford to give himself away or give them an opening to shoot at him. The number of horses was of some concern to Roger. Aside from the possibility that these foreign warriors were skilled horsemen, it also suggested that these foreigners wouldn't have too much trouble fleeing across the border if they wished. With how poor the relations with Ithillin were, with how aggressive their King Rathellion was, a border incident could spark a war, even if the Lions had very good reason for crossing over. It was a shame that he could not see at night as well as Shortclaw. No doubt the griffin's eyes had seen far greater details of what was going on down there. He needed to convey this information back to the Steel Princess as quickly as possible. Time was of the essence if they wanted to rescue their people. Roger signalled Shortclaw to return to base. The griffin banked and headed back in the direction of the tomb. Upon returning to the necromancers' ruined base, they'd touch down in a clear landing spot near Velvetica. [color=af9d80]"Commander, I've located the foreigners' camp, not far from the Ithillin border,"[/color] he announced, not wanting to waste any time. [color=af9d80]"I've got no idea who they are or where they're from, but they've got strange red domed tents and a lot of horses, definitely not Ithillin's people. I didn't see the captives in there, though."[/color] [@VitaVitaAR]