[center][color=#ff8c00][h2]Cadmon Demet[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][@Octo][@Psyker Landshark][@Eisenhorn][@Raineh Daze] [hr] A talking doll wasn't one of the things he'd expected to run into when first he set out to join Velvetica's father's forces, though by this point, Cadmon didn't have it in him to be entirely surprised anymore. A former assassin, a Nemish merchant, a faulty mage...there was no end to the abnormal among this band of misfits. [color=#ff8c00]"Do we, perhaps, have an even smaller doll that this one can carry? I don't think that my cargo has become recursive enough yet."[/color] Not that there was much time to really contemplate how much further the act of carrying another person-shaped thing could go before the business at hand reared back. Cadmon looked down at the coin Urden held out to them, frowning as Lirrah recounted what she knew. Once she got past expounding on the relative values, though, the rest that she spoke of quickly started coming together in his memory. Fancifully braided hair as a rule, decorating their armour in crimson, and as Roger quickly returned to their midst and began reporting to the captain... [color=#ff8c00]"Well, that explains taking the captives,"[/color] he muttered to the three nearest him, uncharacteristic venom in his voice. [color=#ff8c00][i]"Morahti.[/i] Mercenaries from the plains north of Asharaad. The ones who come here are warriors as a rule, but their perverted sense of [i]honour[/i] leads slavery to be common among them, usually from those who they capture in battle themselves. Buying these prisoners instead, it seems this lot is more debased than most of their kind."[/color] If it weren't for the bevor in the way, he'd have spat at the gold coin. [color=#ff8c00]"They're worse by far than most I have to deal with at the border. We should slaughter them like the mongrels they are."[/color]