[@Octo] [@Psyker Landshark] [@The Otter] [@VitaVitaAR] Turned out, between the Nem merchant's recognition of the currency, being slightly worse than normal Librans that he preferred to deal in, but there was enough information in the description to get Cadmon talking. Mercenary foreigners, which took slaving as a part of their culture rather than just purely for profit. Well, justified by culture for profit might be a better indication of the matter. The very concept of selling one's skills to the highest bidder hardly invited any sense of honor, it was a case of working for the next payout of coin, and for whatever the employer saw fit. Urden shifted his stance, glancing towards where their illustrious flying scout had gone towards. [color=lightblue]"There's no honor in slaving, justification be damned. And that's coming from a mercenary. Good to know that it's better to die fighting, or fighting to safety, than ever ask for any quarter from these bastards. Oh, you can keep that coin Lirrah, for the trouble of figuring it out."[/color] Urden had never seriously considered surrender or being taken prisoner as a good option, mercenaries are not great prisoners. If you can pay them to swap sides, well you can't trust them anymore frankly, because if they will turn coat at the first sign of trouble, well, who's to say they won't turn again the moment a better prospect comes along. Even loyal mercenaries with a sense of business savvy knew that, by their nature, they were expendable. No kingdom, company, or employer would go out of their way to negotiate or try and free the mercenary from captivity. It was better to fight to safety or go down swinging, and that was when dealing with local forces that would either execute a prisoner, or just let them languish in captivity until whatever conflict was over. Assuming they bothered to remember that the mercenary existed. Dealing with 'warriors bound by honor to enslave the defeated' only cemented that outlook. No quarter asked then, he wouldn't be made a slave. As for whether or not quarter would be given, well, that wasn't his call. That was the Boss' decision. [color=lightblue]"Right, musings be damned, Spooky there is right. Let's get the Boss filled in."[/color] Urden didn't like that Kayliss just up and appeared like a damned phantom, a reminder that, frankly, even if he slept with an eye open he would still probably wake up with a knife between his ribs should the order be given. Knowing her true profession didn't help either, it made him a loose end, something that very few people were fond of having just flapping about, waiting to be tugged on and cause a mass unraveling of the main fabric. But, that was for later concern, for now, with the griffon rider being back, that meant it was time for a brief. Surround the camp, set the horses free, and slaughter them all. If they surrender, spare them, and while he mentally disapproved, he didn't let it show. Didn't matter what he thought, Boss paid his bills, so Boss got to decide what his stance was in a fight. Granted, she couldn't pay him enough to surrender to slavers, but he suspected that wouldn't be a problem. [color=lightblue]"I reckon Spooky will handle the sneaky bit of cutting loose the horses. Where do you want the rest of us Boss? I'd prefer to be in the thickest of it, slavers playing at mercenaries is bad for business. Justification by culture is a shit excuse, regardless of skill."[/color]