Rala's eyes widened as she realized how out of her element she truly was. While she did not know much about magic, it was common knowledge that wish magic was unparralled in its power. She shuddered at the prospect of dealing with an enemy capable of wishes, what else could the manage? It quickly became clear to here why these slaves had been so easily swayed towards their work. How would you even begin to defy a being that dangerous? Dejected and frustrated, she let out a heavy sigh of defeat and slumped her shoulders as her compatrioits continued to talk and bicker between one another. Just as Rala began to lose hope, however, Aura was quick to remind them that they had friends in high places as well. Her father, her patron, could reasonably be just as powerful as the evil Djinn and this seemed to reignite the fires in Rala, a small glimmer of hope perhaps, but enough to get her back into the conversation. [Color=RosyBrown]"How exactly would we get to your father anyway? If he's anything like these two, he isn't even on this plane!"[/color] She asked with a small bit of bitterness to her voice, but was quick to try to move on to a lighter note. [Color=RosyBrown]"In any regard, it's all the more reason for us to make haste. If your father got an invitation we can only that Tymora Blesses us and he hasn't decided to join any side yet"[/color] With her thoughts on the matter made apparent she turned to the men and women working on repairing what they destroyed. [Color=RosyBrown]"Thank you for your answers, I sincerely hope you can make your way home soon" [/color]