[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/nzC317MC/Screenshot-2023-07-13-at-13-22-25.png[/img] [color=B0E0E6]"Kai"[/color][/center] Kai was just wandering about a little ways outside the camp after being turned loose. [color=B0E0E6]"I could easily just hunt some creature on my own, then i'd be pretty much first to return with a prize... but the animals around here arnt much like the ones back home... they're probably more dangerous than a buck. I should really look for help..."[/color] he thought. He couldnt hear the noises of other Runtz. Though his nose picked something up. On the wind there was a slight smell of charcoal. He looked into the sky and saw a smoke trail. [color=B0E0E6]"Somethins' cooking? If i meander around i might get to ask them what they hunted and what the dangers are"[/color] He languidly walked around to the campsite but it was already empty. So instead he decided to inspect the entrails of what had been caught. Which was completely useless as you cant determine much from entrails, apart from what the animal ate. But he did decide to look for any tendons that were long enough. There were about 3 'piles'. He decided that if he found the tendons he would break off a branch from a nearby tree that was fairly club shaped or staff shaped and try to stretch them along the shaft by meticulously wrapping them around at the top if atall possible. If not, well atleast he had a club, which was better than this old stick. Which he tossed. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Eyz, anyone elz 'round 'ere?"[/b][/color] oh, that was odd... he had an accent... aside from his usual one. He might have to learn to live with it. He saw the system notification of the "Skill" he had. Had he picked it or had it been pressed upon him?? [color=B0E0E6]I think i picked it...[/color] he'd noticed that it was a level 1 skill. [color=B0E0E6]Wonder what level 3 was...[/color] He readied the skill should it be that whoever heard him call out was not friendly. He dug into his mind and thoughts where he thought it was located and tried to prepare it for immediate use. Could really use a friend right about now. Hunting alone was not what hed been taught anyway... when... where was he from again?? [color=B0E0E6]Well! From 'ere! Aedven! No... nono... from America. How can someone be from two places? Whatwasit the goddess had said?[/color] Then he remembered. [color=B0E0E6][b]"Jeezaloo... better than being dead..."[/b] Heh! Thats my normal voice![/color] [hider=Skills and equipment] Current Stats: Level: 1 | Form: Orc Runt | Tier: 2 Current Skills: - Ingestion - After consuming a required amount of biomass from a particular Creature, 1 of that Creature's Skills can be copied at its lowest Rank. - Isekai Skill - Bramble Wall - Rank I - A basic defensive magic of the Wood Element. Thorny brambles rise up in front of the caster, defending them from attacks. Enemies may suffer weak damage from the "Thorn" effect. The brambles wither away after 30 seconds. - Empty Skill Slot - Empty Skill Slot Equipment and Inventory: - Swaddling Pelts - Equip, Clothes - Old animal skins used to keep an Orc baby warm as they sleep. Once the Runt is old enough to start hunting, these are usually just enough to cover the parts that need the most covering. - Wooden Stick - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - A wooden stick. From a tree. That's...that's all there is to it. Can be thrown. - Sharp Rock - Equip, Weapon/Tool, Material Component - A rock with a slightly sharp edge. Useful as a primitive knife or chisel. Can be thrown. [/hider]