[center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t10bQ4_d-s8/mqdefault.jpg[/img][/center] This is something that I've been wanting to put together for a long time, but I want to put out some feelers to see if there's any actual interest. The basic pitch is that this will a multiversal setting, with characters hailing from different worlds. Instead of being heroes of light traveling around to save the day, however, we will be broken souls trying to pick up the pieces. Our characters already failed once in the struggle against darkness; they lost both their world and their heart. But something of them yet remained, and they were reborn as incomplete people with incomplete memories (a similar set-up to Organization XIII and the nobodies.) A small community of intelligent nobodies has arisen, but it's nothing like a pleasant society. Their members travel the worlds of darkness to recover memories and fragments of light. Finding one's own memory is like regaining a cherished treasure - it restores power and solidity to a nobody. The other memories are brought back to home base to be used as part of the higher ups' plans. They're working on creating a simulated world from the fragments of memory; one that would be permanently sealed off from the power of darkness. So most of the roleplay will involve traveling through ruined worlds, fighting off the powers of darkness, and reminiscing about better days. There will be a good amount of action due to the danger of the setting and the power of our characters (which will be definitely fantastical but not superhero level). Occasionally we may pop into worlds of light, but we are not to align ourselves with the heroes of light. And for a specific reason - the heroes of light open the pathways between worlds as they travel and gain power from it. But having the pathways open is the very condition which leads to a world's total consumption by the infinite armies of darkness. I'm looking for characters that have interesting and thematic powers. It's also a requirement for your character to have a certain amount of angst, whether from traumatic memories, or feelings of loss related to the destruction of his home world, or even from the diminishment of his sense of self. Eventually I'd like to pin down some specific things that each of us has forgotten about, and some important things that we do remember. It will bring the narrative together more organically. I will control the worlds and enemies, and play a character as well. But this will be a collaborative experience - if you have some good ideas I'd be happy to try and work them in if I think they fit. I'm okay with players having a few other minor characters that they can control, but just don't let it mess up our atmosphere of loneliness. Let me know what you think!