Aprils' smile wavered [i]ever so[/i] slightly as Mike mentioned that in a way he helped them get locked up, but she knew it wasn't his fault. He was being used by these assholes. She felt her muscles tense, but as Jack moved his leg beside hers, she calmed down a little bit. "We'll get them out, of course." April said as she breathed out slowly. "Steph is the Granddaughter." Jack said, making sure to put emphasis on the 'grand' part, but not in a way that was rude. "Lucy isn't entirely happy that she's a half-blood, but she's more angry that Humans are causing problems with her." "Lucifer doesn't care if she's half angel." April said with a roll of her eyes, "We're over all of that demon and angel bullshit now. Only Elitists are against each other." She grumbled before she sighed. "I've seen angels do much worse things than I've seen demons do." She put her head in her hands with a bit of a sigh. Jack frowned at Aprils' expression before he turned to the boys, "And they didn't get the Alien as well?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "I would have thought she'd be priority number one with how powerful her father is." [hr] It felt like Gaia's bones were cracking and twisting, her scales felt like they were burning and her vision was blurring in and out. She tried to spark the mental link to whoever she could reach, hoping for Harriet or even Ethan. [i]Help.[/i] She called out, [i]Everything hurts, I feel like I'm melting.[/i] She felt some of her scales drop from her body as she quivered and moved to cover her face as she closed her eyes.