[quote=@FernStone] Hi, I'm very interested in this & working on a character (assuming it's still open!) - I just have a questions character creation wise. For the grades you mention points, and say about starting with an average of enough to have D in each but that this can be adjusted as we like. For adjustment, is it a case of having to reduce one to increase another? (Say I reduce endurance to E and increase honkai to C) or is at adjust as you'd like within reason? [/quote] Yep. So it works like this: P: D E: D A: D I: D H: D B: D Then you can shuffle points around (to a max of C, and a minimum of E [or F, but only in one stat and that's risky]). For example: P: E E: E A: C I: C H: D B: D Then, you'd add/remove bonus points based off of whether you have Artificial or Natural Stigma or SWARA. These points can allow you to go up to B. So say you took Artificial, which is the most common: P: E E: F (-1) A: B (+1) I: C H: C (+1) B: D The + or - 1 just shows that the stat in question is at that grade because of a bonus (or penalty) point. It does NOT mean it's B + 1 = A or anything like that. I say that because I was a little confused when I first saw it. I hope I explained things well.