Jocasta's head snapped sideways in the middle of the description of how she had single handledly dragged a wounded Dirk to saftey while fighting off another score of pirates. "Anyway long story short, I am a hero," she announced and then took the shot that she had been using to represent the main building. The drinkers cheered and heckled as she stepped away, then paused, ducked back, picked a half burned lux stick took a drag then dumped it into a mostly empty tumbler with a sharp hiss of quenching heat. "Jocasta Ap'Gwyn," Valgrayne said as she approached. "My completely deserved reputation preceeds me," she said as she cleared the alert Dirk had beamed to her implant. She took a seat across from the smartly dressed man. "I was just suggesting to your partner here that I had a job for him, but he pointed out that as a member of the Guild he was not at liberty to take it. You aren't a member of Guild I take it?" Valgrayne asked. "I'm not a member no, I have .....uh... background check issues," she admitted. Valgrayne arched an eyebrow but didn't comment. "It seems to me that if an unaligned operative were to take a job and Mr Crimson here was able to render some assistance it might not be seen as a violation of any Guild regulation," Valgrane explained. "Ok... seems like alot of small talk to go through before asking me out," Jocasta said, "What is this job and how much does it pay?"