[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (82/100) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Pizza Tower [b]Word Count:[/b] Less than 750 [/center] Being the strange chaotic monster that he was, It was a bit surpising that Pizza Head went down as fast as he did. Sectonia assumed he had another strange trick up his sleeve. But no, he sat there head in the ground and all of his loot; including the mask shard, falling out of his pockets. In as much disbelief as herself, Bowser and Nadia poked his body for quite awhile, making sure he wouldn't be a problem in the future. [color=92278f]"Strange, awful creature."[/color] Sectonia said, not joining them in their routine as she refused to touch such a weird thing. Which felt odd in retrospect as a humanoid with food for a head almost felt... normal now which was its own version of strange. Much like in the City of Tears, now that the koopa clan knew her deal with her symbol of avarice and everything, they came up to use it. Seeing as they have always honored the deal she made, she had no arguments as Rika crushed the boss they had destroyed and gotten an item. Even if he was a brute, which Bowser showcased later by destroying a weird machine that spit out orb like items, he at least kept up on all of the deals he made without any intent to skip out on them. It was, refreshing, even if Bowser was more of a barbarian king. Much less of a worry than Ganondorf, whom hadn't even attempted to make a deal with her yet. Once everyone had figured what they were going to do, they made their way down to the mist filled ruins below. The place was eerie, but in a more... somber way than terrifying. As if the area cared not if you passed through it, conquered it, or got lost in it. That feeling of indifference was new, at least in this area. [color=92278f]"Hm... How many mask fragments do we have left to gather? It feels like we are entering areas that would make those that seek manifest destiny happy."[/color] Sectonia said, gesturing to the atmosphere around.