Rain's falling! Which it does in this world! But that's not the point! Oh this is bad. Right. Right. Need to be a whale--no, no, not being a whale, need to stop being a whale, need to be a girl again. Be a dog, be her-- Be less shot at! Augh! She is a whale, she's in a pool, you're standing in a puddle of whale-pushed water right next to her, and you're [i]shooting electric lights![/i] Does she need to draw you a picture to show you why that's bad?! (Please ask her to draw a picture. She's gotten pretty good at it, you know, when she's not needing to use a brush to paint.) Anyway. It's hard for a whale to glare, did you know that? Especially orcas! They're technically a bigger dolphin, and it's [i]impossible[/i] for a dolphin to glare! But Shifu's Just That Good! She focuses, and gives one tailfin a massive sweep through the pool towards the electric idiot. Lessee, water generates into wood, which means that instead of bullets… Hmm. Yeah, yeah, that should work. Instead of bullets, how about a gun that shoots flowers? [Elemental Powers: 6,6, +3 Freak: Shifu is choosing to alter the cop's gun, and on a 10+ is choosing to make this effect work exceptionally well.] Or, you know, not shoots, but like. Grows out of the barrel. Shoots, seeds, leaves. Surely taking a weapon from a cop can't be considered bad if she's preventing an electrical fire--or, you know, more importantly, an electrical whale? … Note to self. Electrical Whale sounds like an excellent costume design idea. Save the day first, but see if Mr. Chan knows any tailors later.