We were allowed to land in one of the more high-security docking areas of Hive Orcus, about midway down the upper hive. Those representing mercantile interests of any real size were granted the same respect as dignitaries or adeptus-arbites agents. I had Lazarus purposefully cloaked so as not to arouse suspicion, though if one were to ascertain he was an member of the adeptus mechanicus, he was merely here to check our stock make sure the mechanicus' interests were being seen to by my own fake business. We were greeted by a administratum agent by the name of Vrandiun Ogodai, who seemed accommodating enough, and he seemed to have a notable interest in the swivel guns we had implemented onto the shuttle. Evidently Vrandium had been the son of a wealthy merchant himself, distributing crafts of that nature across the imperium. It would place his family fairly close to Sol and the naval families of Jupiter, though I did not recognize the familial name of Ogodai. After speaking some time about the shuttle in the anteroom, we were guided to a tram that led us to the lifts near the heat sink at the center. Once we arrived, it had taken us three hours to descend from the upper spire, riding a succession of increasingly decrepit and rusted elevators reserved for authorized personnel. I had fed Vrandium a well crafted story on needing to see the assemblies in the mid-hive where the factorums were held. We were granted passes and access to all but the underhive and the tallest spire where the upper echelons were located. We had been given three days leave and a location in the mid-hive to stay and recoup when need be. When we arrived, we were greeted by a member of the adeptus arbites. I was surprised. Local arbites are common enough, but a member of the adeptus were only there on special occasions, such as riots that could destroy the integrity of a hive city or an invasion of underhive mutants threatening to spill up into the mid-hive levels. The doors on the lift had barely opened before we were greeted by the fellow, a thickly muscled man with a brutish visage clad in carapace armor and a helm that hid his visage save for his square chin. "Welcome to Hive Orcus, sir Deckard. I am officer Ortega." He said, and though I could not see his eyes, I could discern he was looking at my retinue, including the four men Urien had granted me. "I see you have come well prepared. Smart, but no need. I will see you are adequately protected as you go about your business." "I wasn't aware we were in need of protection. This isn't the underhive." I said, allowing the confusion to show on my face. The very real emotion serving me well in this instance. "True, and normally you would be right. We have had some problems with the gangers in the lower hab zones, and I was recently wounded. They sent me up here to be a... guide, and to keep you safe, just in case. Everything is under control." Had I announced myself as an inquisitor, I could have the man before me tell me right now exactly what he was hiding from me. I know talk meant for the public when I hear it, but as it was, I merely inclined my head, and allowed him to lead on.