[center][h3]Rune Berg[/h3][/center] Vacantly, Rune's eyes blinked twice at Hoshiko's response to his questioning. It was difficult to overestimate how literal she was. Slowly he just smiled, tickled by her humor. Intentional or not, it worked on him. Shaking his head, it made another attempt at the slipper noodles. Mistakenly he had thought the udon would somehow be easier to eat with chopsticks—rookie mistake. Finally getting a good hold on a few more noodles, he looked triumphant right as Rose arrived, crashing down at their table. Focus failed as he flinched from her abrupt arrival. The noodles took a plunge back to their dark broth. Squeezing the chopsticks with enough force, they creaked in protest rune sighed. Rose was tenacious. Her personality and frame were why Rune considered Frames to reflect the pilot. Her aggressive nature somehow slipped by being abrasive. He enjoyed her company even if they weren't much alike. They had both served in their country during the outbreak, so he felt a soldier's comradery; he wasn't sure she shared it with him. "Ohayō," he responded, welcoming her to the table with a slight bow of his head. Elise placing her chopsticks down caught his attention. Eyes met hers as she silently addressed each of them. Setting his chopsticks down in solidarity, not at all because he was frustrated. He gave her his full attention as she shared what she'd heard. He stared at the table as he considered what she had heard. It was a bit concerning. "Hmmm," he basically growled, the inflection of thought sounding more like a grumble in his chest. Jennifer made an interesting point. "Could be a rotating schedule so we won't [i]all[/i] have to fight every day." he offered in agreement with Jennifer. There was, however, a layer to this that he hoped was wrong. They currently didn't fight every day, so that could mean there would be much tougher times ahead. "Seems more likely related to reclaiming Saitama. Right Elise? May be bigger than initially thought..." he drifted off thinking. He considered who they would pair him with. Hoshiko and Jennifer could fly, giving them ground and air control. Rose and him were a force on the ground, the good old sword, and shield. Elise would be good in any configuration. He wished she had heard more so they could strategize. All things considered, though, any of them would be a good pair or trio. He was confident in their abilities.