[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/zxtkxitXniyoasTsunQXCk4vPmWXgkTp8SWdgz06xBk/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230530/1c8ff46c9c4234900e8fefd8e2e93b73.png[/img][/center] [center] This wasn’t the most ideal plan- Going in without most of their gear and without Bolt. Tia couldn’t go on and Zen was taking care of her, so Monolith quickly started to take stock of the situation. Bolt must’ve blacked the place out, because it was damn near pitch black out. Not a single light but the stars and the moon. They were right in front of Peacekeeper 01’s lair, the very place he warned about. He was going to give Bolt a piece of his mind for running off ahead of the when this was all- [i]Bang. Bang. Bang.[/i] Three gunshots. Loud enough that they were nearby, and likely aimed right at Bolt. Monolith’s fingers balled into fists and his face scrunched up with fury. He took a breath and knew what he had to do. [color=5499A8]”Keep her safe. I’m going in, do [i]not[/i] follow me yet. Wait here for a few minutes, until I spring as many traps as I can and have him [b]distracted.”[/b][/color] Without so much as a moment to wait for their approval or acknowledgement, Monolith punched the entrance open, shattering it like a window and [i]charged.[/i] The ground rumbled like a packed stadium as Monolith stormed down halls and through doors. Landmines exploded beneath his feet and wracked the place, but the worst they did was scorch the clothes he was wearing and singe his hair. His skin and even the rest of his body were virtually untouched. Mines, shrapnel in a can, razor tripwires. One after another, they triggered but were ineffective against him. Stealth was not a consideration anymore. [i][color=5499A8][b]”PEACEKEEPER![/b][/color][/i] Monolith shouted at the top of his lungs, full of rage. It was a far cry from the gentle personality the rest of the team had gotten to know lately. His voice rang out like thunder, and the halls shook. There was another booming noise, which signaled Monolith blowing open a hole through a wall, which Peacekeeper was standing on the other side of. He recognized the arm and the leg, and the metahuman bleeding out on the ground. Something inside of Monolith snapped, and he blitzed Peacekeeper. Bits of concrete and detritus were flung outwards with every forceful step, as the young hero swung a fist straight for his chest. He didn’t even notice the strange sword that Peacekeeper had. He was seeing red far too much to process that. [/center]