Forums pop up and die on the regular, and even major platforms are not immune to users flocking to other sites. See Tumblr, Imgur more recently, and even Reddit (although they're so addicted their blackout ultimately did nothing). This is hardly the end, it's just another part of the cycle. Also, it'd bleed less if more people got their asses off the Discord and got back into writing actual posts rather than piss poor political takes and shitposts. Half the goddamn Guild is there it seems, and those who aren't eternally offline are busying themselves with bickering over current affairs they've yet to actually change when they could be doing what they originally joined the site to do. I.E. writing. I do agree that Mahz should probably cede ownership to someone who's more active, however. A site isn't like an IP for example. You either put in the effort to keep it running and up-to-date, give it to someone who can, or cut your losses and release your lease over the domain before shutting down the server.