[@Eviledd1984] And you read through the original idea on the Interest Check and understand that the Titans aren't actually a group yet and the first arc of this RP serves as their origin story? Just to be on the safe side, I'm gonna repost part of it here: [quote=@CaptainManbeard] At the beginning of the RP, the "sidekicks" are attending the Justice League's Tenth Anniversary Celebration at the Hall of Justice in Washington, D.C. It has been ten years since the League first formed to fight an alien invasion by the Reach (one of the surviving civilizations from the Apokkian Wars), and tonight they are celebrating that union with a gala of sorts. Members of the Press, celebrities, politicians, etc. are all in attendance, while millions others watch on their personal devices via livestream. For the first few posts, our characters will be suited-up and providing security for the event while mingling with each other and guests, but then everything changes when there is a mass prison break at Belle Reve and most of the League has to rush to clean up the mess, leaving the sidekicks to watch over the celebration. And then, to make matters worse, a different set of villains attack the party while the League is gone, which Batman suspected might happen and warned the sidekicks to be on alert. So, we'll start there, have a few chill posts at the event, and then set the combat in motion and allow the plot to unfold as we go. Feel free to ask any questions and discuss what characters you'd like to play. [/quote] [@Crimson Flame][@WhiteAngel25] I assume most of the sidekicks will have at least heard of each other or became acquainted to some degree if they accompanied their mentors for team ups or whatever, kind of like how Dick and Wally met, but I left it vague so that we could just go with the flow. Crimson, you don't have to worry about editing your post though, no big deal on that aspect.