The vessel rocks gently in the water, occasionally shifting as bodies run, dance, or vault across the surface of the deck. The vibes, in general, are good. From the hastily erected dance floor on central deck to the cluster of cadets dangling off the rear, good times are in ample supply. For the most part, anyway. Dana’s chocolate bar causes a minor emergency in the water at the vessel’s postside as nearby cadets scramble and claw their way out of the water and the inky brown stain that the confectionery creates. A brief investigative committee is formed to determine the origins of the brown cloud, but after several minutes of deliberation no culprit is definitively brought to justice. The water on that side of the boat is abandoned. Aiya, though somewhat distracted, fields Dana’s request for water guns with a exasperated smile. “You really have a one track mind, Noel.” The heiress teases the other girl, reaching her hand out to ruffle her hair as if she were a rambunctious younger sister. She manages to fulfill Dana's request after some digging around, providing her a hefty water rifle with which to assault the partygoers deck. She claps the Norban girl on the back, sending her on her way with a lopsided grin. Her reign of terror doesn't last too long before she's forcibly disarmed, however. Priya and Noah team up to take her down–the former providing a distraction while the latter lifts the Norban bodily from the deck and dumps her into the water. They and a few other cadets join a second later, Dana soon lifted onto Noah's shoulders to engage in an impromptu game of chicken with Priya and her own partner. The other girl proves a tenacious opponent, and a small crowd forms near the railing to cheer on the aquatic gladiators. Penny, in the meantime, has to deal with navigating the party without her sunny companion to keep her safe. Despite her efforts to retain modesty, she can't avoid the eyes of every cadet looking for a chance to chat up an Ars Magi. As Aiya has demonstrated, Nova Lux's cadets are a rare commodity in high demand among the upper class. The Siscian girl has to navigate a web of potential suitors, offers to dance, or join in one of the games taking place across the boat. What little reprieve she can find is usually with the other Ars Magi, who occasionally cluster together to conspire before their attentions are inevitably dragged elsewhere. But at least there's some higher profile partiers to take some of the attention off of Penny and those like her. Specifically, Nicole's and her reign as queen of the dance pad. Try as they might, no one can challenge the redheaded girl and come away victorious. Aiya eventually, once she's finished making the rounds and seeing to her other guests, joins in to help. Help being extremely subjective, since from a technical standpoint having two bodies on the dance-pad doesn't go quite as well. It does work a lot better from a visual standpoint, though. The sun continues to sink down the line of the horizon as the hours tick by, casting a long red line across the shimmering water. Aiya encourages the rest of the Ars Magi to take their turn on the dance floor in due time; Priya (who has an pop and lock) and Cara are an easy sell, but she tries to cajole Dana and Penny too if they can be lured away from their various activities. Eventually the mood becomes slightly more sedated as cadets break into smaller clusters to watch the sunset. Aiya and her inner circle retreat to the more intimate crew quarters below deck, taking Nicole, Dana, and Penny along with them. The space below deck has just enough room for a small couch and a few cramped seats to lounge on, a comfortable enough space to relax and dry off from the days earlier activities. There's even a well-stocked drink cabinet, probably meant for the important associates of the De Mars family--which doesn't stop Aiya from breaking it open. "They're going to start sending you out on assignments soon, dolcezza." Aiya laments as she sips from a drink. "You and all your friends. I'm not going to get to keep you all around to play anymore." A dramatic sigh parts from the dark-haired girl's lips. Nicole is already aware of Aiya's attempt to lay claim to her for the De Mars family–but there's still a long time before the Ars Magi's official graduation and assignments. "You two." She raises a finger to gesture between Penny and Dana. "Have to make sure nothing happens to her." There's a thread of humor to her words, her usual good cheer doubled and then some by the afternoon of drinking. "I need her." She pauses, a silvery laugh escaping from the heiress after a few seconds of consideration. "Isn't it strange?" She asks, clarifying, "We get to be in charge of you. You're the most powerful girls alive, and you have to do what we tell you to do." The girl shakes her head. "How funny." She raises her glass in a toast. "Here's to Nova Lux and our brave heroines." The other officers raise their turn, a proud salute to their saviors and subordinates. "Fuck." Says Aiya, turning her bottle over to lament its emptiness. It's unclear if her unhappiness comes from the system issues of the post-apocalyptic world or if she's just upset she'll have to get a new drink. Either way with a loud thud the dark haired Duodecim plants the container down firmly on the center of the varnished wood table. "Who wants to play spin the bottle?"