Location Havershel Estate [hr] [@Click This][@AzureKnight] “Quite. He’s been a troublemaker since he was born.” A frown, if such a thing was possible, made the corners of his mouth turn further down. “Harassing the maids, burning things and generally being a menace.” Rather suddenly though, his expression changed to that of what seemed fondness. “But young boys will do as they do. Just the other day he managed to ride a horse on his own.” A small pause as his expression once again turned serious. “Now, Madam Fiore, if we can get this over with…?” “Yes, lets.” Livia glanced towards her companions. “Entertain yourself for a bit Paulina.” Livia smiled, leaning over and whispering to her. “I’ll make it up to you later hm?” A playful kiss would be delivered to Paulina’s cheek as lord Havershel led her away. [i]“Crrk. He’s probably showing her the artifact privately so she can look it over. It will likely either be a fake or the demon will have been transferred to some other object.”[/i] Suddenly Lucrecia’s earpiece spoke, Myrillas voice coming in loud and clear for her. [i]“ I don’t know what his plan is but we can reasonably assume he’s not showing her the real thing.”[/i] “Excuse me…” A timid voice interrupted them. It was a maid, quietly approaching and trying not to draw too much attention to herself as she’d quietly speak to the two of them.“Excuse me…a-are you two with the Maison? May I request a moment of your time? Lady Havershel wishes to meet you.” [I]"Might be useful if we can speak to her, but it might also be a trap to distract us. I'd say tell her to shove it and interrogate some of these party-goers."[/I] [hr] [@VitaVitaAR][@Pyromania99] The young lord Havershel snickered in success as he found himself in what seemed to be a private study. He immediately went for a ladder so he could pull down a book from the higher level shelves - which was also right when Eliz decided to barrel into the room, causing the young boy to give a yelp, loose his footing and fall right off the ladder onto the ground, a few books following him and bonking him on the head as he hit the ground. He looked briefly terrified before seeing it was Eliz and the other maids. “Hey! What gives! I ordered you idiots to get lost!” He shouted, getting up and glaring at Eliz. Lyssa followed shortly behind the two, seemingly fine with just watching the events unfold as she…somehow managed to sneak some hard candy into the place and was now munching on it. “Grrr, I’ll have my dad put you in the dungeons and you'll never come back out!” "Eeeh, why don't you tell us what you're doing! It looks like fun ya knows." Lyssa responded. "Shut up. You just wanna drag me off back to my room!"