[h2][color=af9d80][b]Roger Falkner[/b][/color][/h2] Roger knew very little of the Morahti. He had heard of the term, and knew that it referred to a foreign warrior culture, but his education hadn't taught him anything else beyond that. Cadmon was evidently familiar with them, as he described them as a plains-dwelling warrior culture from Asharaad with a tradition of enslave those they take prisoner. That cast a vile enough portrayal, but Cadmon also pointed out that these Morahti [i]bought[/i] these captives. This left a rather large question unanswered for Roger- what were a large band of mercenaries doing in Velt so near the border? Had Ithillin hired them to cause trouble in hopes of being able to maintain some deniability? Could someone from Velt have hired them, either oblivious or unconcerned with their slaving habits? Perhaps the Lions might find evidence in their camp, because this sounded awfully suspicious to him. Speaking of the camp, Velvetica already had a plan for these mercenaries. Surround them, release their hoses to prevent them from mounting up, and attack. Don't give them a chance to escape or fight on their terms. They might even manage to grab a snack for Shortclaw while they were at it. [color=af9d80]"If you're going to stay behind, Lirrah, could you fetch some spices?"[/color] Roger addressed Nem, [color=af9d80]"This mission looks like it might present a good opportunity for me to try out a horse recipe."[/color] [@Octo][@VitaVitaAR][@The Otter][@Eisenhorn]