[center] [color=#66CDAA][b][h1]Kayliss Lambert[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] [color=#66CDAA][b]"...Spooky?"[/b][/color] Kayliss raised an eyebrow at Urden, her expression not betraying anything more. If she were honest with herself, she didn't quite know how she felt about having such a nickname. Something like that hadn't come up since she was a child, and those memories were faint by now. After a moment's deliberation, Kayliss internally decided to just let it slide. There were worse things the mercenary could have called her. Fortunately, it seemed the commander knew who exactly they were up against. While Kayliss had only heard of the Morathi in passing, that hadn't been enough to give her an overview of their ways until Velvetica brought it up. Slavers, then. Feh. The practice was abhorrent in theory. In practice? An assassin didn't quite have the leeway to make moral judgements on their own. So she barely reacted to the mention, only turning to the others once she'd heard mention of acid. [color=#66CDAA][b]"Take care not to accidentally splash yourself."[/b][/color] She remarked blandly in Cadmon's direction. [color=#66CDAA][b]"Purchase some for my own use, and I'll show you how to apply the substance to your weapons [i]correctly[/i]."[/b][/color] [@Eisenhorn] [@Octo] [@The Otter] [@HereComesTheSnow]