[center][h2][color=82ca9d]Irian Sinewell[/color][/h2][/center][hr] These organization names all sounded foreign to Irian, but the young lord was willing to shed lights on the individuals they were dealing with. In simple straightforward terms, they're trash, and they're here to take them out. Seemed like there were people like this in every kingdom and culture though. He did remember a couple of cases back in his settlements, thankfully most of them were just loose groups of low lives instead of an organized group like this. In any cases, the plan was to get rid of their mounts and wipe them out. Simple enough, Irian did not think much of it other than to prepare. He did hear about the acid as a measure against armored opponents, but decided to opt out of, as his magic infusion were sufficient to pierce through most conventional armors he expects to face. It was also safer, considering acid is easy to hit yourself if not careful. What he did hear though is the griffin rider's requests, and the horse recipe. Horse meats? That's a new to him. He held back the temptation to criticize it for now, since he had certain respects for nature's bravest and most humble animal, trying to let curiosity take the lead first. [color=82ca9d]"Is that for us or for Mr. Griffin there?"[/color] Irian came up next to Roger. [color=82ca9d]"Never had horse meat before. You guys have it often?"[/color] [@Crimson Paladin]